Ben McAdoo: We need to be consistent with who we are – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Richard Wiseman

Well apparently we are capable of 300+ passing yards and over 400 yards of offense. Sure stick to that. But if you mean just screen and run like you want to do then the door is to your right.

Finley Jeanbatiste

So far he’s done good in the last two games hope he keeps it up from the bengals game throughout the season no matter we win or not

Andrew May

I would love to see what Sam Darnold could do with this offense. We had the worst offensive line in the NFL last season. That’s changed. His first 4 games for us we’re great. He was one of the top fantasy performers in those weeks. And against Minnesota, his last second drive to tie the game , was incredible. That 4th and ten throw from his own endzone. Spectacular. He gets injured, tries to play through it, and plays terribly. And we don’t give him another chance this season? I don’t understand the logic.

P.S. if you follow his career. No QB has ever outplayed him on any team he’s ever been on. Look at the record and stats for every team he’s ever played for. College included.

    Geordan Ashford

    He ain’t it

Buzz Williams

I hope he knows he is the one who has not been consistent. 1-“We’re a running team”. 2- “We didn’t pass downfield”. So the offensive genius tells everyone we run first, then until last week we ran last if at all. Bozo in a big circus.

Kristen LeDane

Umm pretty sure he’s the one who needs to be consistent

YWHW Byron

Don’t ignore the middle of the field lol

Willie Thornton

Just goes to shoe Matt was holding this team back

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