Belichick Analyzes Josh Allen’s Arm: “He can rip a ball down the field” | Belestrator | Patriots – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Go pats 2021!

    Cody Phinney

    Yea, go pats, all the way to Sub .500 again🤣🤣

A Devoted Patriot

We know all about Allen Bill but how about something on our QB situation 😡😠
Dammit how far have we fallen after Brady left 😭


Season is over there is not point in having interviews of upcoming teams

Cody Phinney

Coach, Bills fan here, do the east a SOLID, take one for the Division, Lose the last 2 games, hell, beat Buffalo if you want, just LOSE to the Jets, make 100% sure that Jets do NOT get T.Lawerence, by throwing the game! That way, you dont have to face, Lawerence/Allen/Tua 6 times a season!

Mavs 88

draft Trask?

    Thanos snap NO U

    Fr we need a new QB, loves Cam’s work ethic, but he is not the answer. We could use a weapon too

    Mavs 88

    @Thanos snap NO U i feel like trask is good bc cam misses a lot of throws

    Tyler Sorensen

    Trask can certainly *not* rip the ball down the field. I think he could work in NE tho

classic white bread

Go Bills

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