Bears begin rookie minicamp in virtual format | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


Jayday Savage

Second but I’m the number one bear fan

    Khalil Bandar

    No I am I’m only 11 but Ik every play on the roster since I knew how to talk

    Jayday Savage

    Well I still know I’m number one and I know more and basically everyone In my family is a bear fan we been bear fans since day 1

    Oscar Smith

    Both of you sound really cute but that still don’t trump 56 years

    Real IN

    @Khalil Bandar name em right here right now

    Oscar Smith

    That’s only been about as old as my favorite sox

Arthur Segismundo



The bears arent even good lol


    Rent free in yo headdddd son

    Andrew Harris

    diffuse RENT FREEEE, I know us bears fans aren’t stalking the packers YouTube page 💀

    Midwest Krazy83 Turner

    Nah you right and I’m a Bears fan! They just put out an article on how the Bears have a QB curse since the late 40s and haven’t had success since then and haven’t won a SB since 85😂😂. We deserve to get ridiculed. And for those out there that making fun of the Draft? Pace is still top clown for picking busts at the draft. If Love works out and he does play great, that means GB lucked up again and that they know how to scout QBs. As for us we have a soup line of QBs and some of the worst Offenses in NFL history. So yeah I agree with you and I live and love Chicago!


    @Midwest Krazy83 Turner Man for a Bears fan you’re incredibly biased on all things opposed to the team. Pace’s successful picks, trades, and FA signings greatly out weigh the small handful of busts he’s signed. You act like we’re the worst team in the league when that’s not nearly true at all. At least have a SB win unlike 12 other teams and appeared in the SB in the 21st century unlike 14 others. Even the Vikings haven’t had an appearance since 1977 and they’ve had more successful seasons than us in the last decade. We’re not nearly as bad as what you make us out to be. But hey if you’re a Packer fan, that’s totally cool. Good luck watching a washed up Aaron Rodger’s being forced to train a 5th round talent QB. Sucks his org doesn’t want him anymore but I doubt anyone would with his lack of leadership and cocky attitude thinking he’ll actually play into his 40’s. Love may be good, but he won’t nearly be the talent Rodger’s was when he was in his prime. He’s just incredibly overrated now.

Johnny savage Juicy J

I just also wanted say I can’t wait for 30 years of terrible packer games it’s gonna be great the littlest town in America trying to be great again it’s funny how there team all around sucks this coming season an the next an so on

    Midwest Krazy83 Turner

    How you figure?? They’ve have nvr really been wack for a long time dating back to the 60s. It’s the Bears that have a all around worst team. They just ranked us 2nd worst team in the NFL. Packers are fine and they have not been bad at pickup QBs. So if Love works out and he does good, then again Bears have failed and will keep failing!

    Johnny savage Juicy J

    I think packers fans shouldn’t be in bears conversation

Star Destroyer

Almost 100k subs

TeddyBelcher 4K Ultra wide 21:9

low hanging fruit


Lets go Chicagoooo GoBears 🐻⬇️🐻⬇️🐻⬇️


Awesome video. Waiting for the next One! Also, Can we be Youtube friends? 😮

shmoneygang 01

Lmao wtf was that pagano clip?

PHILosophy 1990

Coach Pagano at 00:19 took me out! Hahaha 🤣☠

Colin Lee

Yo what’s coach Paganos tiktok though

Midwest Krazy83 Turner

To all the rookies on The Bears! RUN!! RUN really fast away from this organization. You need to be somewhere that is going to win. The owners and GM’s are bums and can’t win nor put together a team to save their lives. This Organization is toxic and don’t have a clue on how to build anything that has to do with WINNING!!! Please GTFO ASAP!! They need to learn a lesson and if players were to decline them and want to go to different teams. They’d change the culture real quick around Halas Hall. But they won’t and we will be the laughing stock and 2nd worst team in the NFL for a long time. Even after Virginia passes, because there is no one there that is smart while she is alive. So what will change when she leaves the earth. She’s already 97 and the Organization is 100yrs old. That shows you this organization has nothing but history that it’s living off of.


    Lmfao okay Pack fan you can take it down about 50%. If you don’t like the team, don’t be here? It’s not that hard especially if you’re gonna whine about everything.

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