Barry on Preston Smith: ‘His leadership qualities have taken off’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Ras Jahson




    Ras Jahson

    @tnw0769 Yes you are! Boring!

vanessa moseley

Awesome team and let’s go for the championship 👏 bring the Lombardi home

Javier Zamudio

Go Joe Barry 💚💛🏈👴🏟👍🙏💪💛💚🎧📋📱💻 go Packers go go ask Matt win a Super Bowl Championship Vince Lombardi trophy back in Green Bay Wisconsin

    Javier Zamudio


Piko Van

He was a great hire, but let’s not forget that continuity of the coaching staff. Must be a lot of guys who like to hunt.


    He was not a great hire. We wanted Jim Leonhard but got stuck with this scrub. Even the beat can’t stand him. I’d love to ship him to Canada

Piko Van

Preston Smith…indeed!

DDD Pheth


Arin Sauls

Joe and Matt talk a lot alike. No bs answers as much to the point as they can get. Love watching these interviews.

    Vang Xiong

    They also sound alike

Jorge A.

Remember when fans were questioning this hire? Yea…


Worst coach in Green Bay

Gary Fryer

Hey Joe, where’s the defense at?

leann branum

We are amazing always proud to be a Packer..xoxo

Alex Murphy

Quit giving up huge zone plays!

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