Baker Mayfield: “We’re taking it one day at a time” | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Jarvis Saechao

I love browns

Jeremy C.

Baker Seems To Be Maturing


    I like him. I wanna see it on the field and in the win column which is all that counts.

Eduardo Longoria

Baker mayfield will have a great year this year, he’s mentally better now so I see him having a great stunning year


    More like physically better, the dude shed 20 pounds of fat that he gained last year


    CluMarcus he gained 4 lbs so idk if you are just throwing numbers out but he forsure is in way better shape. You can tell just looking at his face


He looks and acts way more focused than last year, We should have a really good stay healthy 🙏


AND ITS SHOWS already that our coaches are actually COACHES!!!!🤔


My wife is about to walk because her job told her to cover her two arm tattoos 🤣🤣

Collin C

Looking ready for the season


Baker seems way more hungry, can’t wait!

Jake Lozano

Commercial just broke just when MKC got introduced next to ask questions. Yessssss!

    Dan 1031

    Even the Browns think she is a meme 😂😂😂

    K Aguilera


Cleveland BCI

I think last year he took it for granted that he’d be a star. 20+ INT’s & 10 losses taught him otherwise. It was a hard season to watch, but it might be exactly what he needed.

Hobo Bob

Baker seems thinner. Looks more like he did in collage. I bet he’s gonna rock it this year! I can’t wait!


Man I feel like he definitely changed. Matured a lot.


Here is my rant. Bear with me. No hype for the Browns, ONLY POTENTIAL of a hugely talented roster. The defense must rise up and play every game to absolutely CRUSH every opponent. Take no prisoners while playing fierce, disciplined football. This is not flag football. To be on top you have to demoralize the enemy. Step on their neck and never let up. The offense must adapt the same philosophy as the 9ers from the ’80’s when they had Montana/Rice/Young/Jones/Craig, et al. By that I mean, they ran over people and used a pinpoint accurate passing attack. They seldom took chances but if their opponents made a mistake in coverage they MADE THEM PAY FOR IT and they seldom, if ever, let them back in the game. Baker needs to develop a Brady/Montana style with that Favre attitude that makes him special and wear his emotions on his sleeve to fire up the entire team. As an organization the Browns finally have everything in place: a superior talented team, an ego-less front office, and a respected, motivated coaching staff. As the ONLY negative, the ownership needs to back off from interfering and learn they will get their credit and laurels when the team succeeds. Potential. GO BROWNS, GO DAWGS. We have your back.

    Arketta -

    Well said my friend

Linell Tillman

Baker is gonna be an even better beast this year 🔥🔥💯💪💪

Mike Brant

bring the beard back bake!!!

j brooks 16

If our offensive line is good Baker will THRIVE under Coach Stefanski along with Nick Chubb under the outside zone running scheme and play action. Very excited to see the defense, also. All assuming we play

Bryan Copca

No disrespect to o service members but imma do something that does exactly that. There’s way more effective ways to stop inequality

K Aguilera

MARY K Flipping stop w/ the sneaky style loaded personal questions !!!! My God…


    She is the most despicable “reporter” in sports history.

Dafydd King

I woke up feelin dangerous

Mitchell Wassam

No doubt the most talented QB we’ve had since we came back into the NFL. Hope you put it all together and can get that long term deal. You deserve it. Northeast Ohio deserves it.

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