Baker Mayfield: “We have very high expectations for ourselves. We’re eager to get back to work.” – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Jose Garcia

He cut his beard and we are done last time that happen it went horrible so we lost all the games


    Lmao bro he did it in the rookie year ..

    Browns Revenge

    @MultiKushie If I would be you i would google for november 2019.

Dan 1031

That shave

    Edward Gaines

    Is he trying to shave off his shame?

Simon Sez

It was the beard, bad luck, now that it’s gone, Baker gonna shine!!!!!…remember I told ya so!!!

    Dwight Akins

    The beard not bad luck he just got to play better that’s all I love my browns

    Edward Gaines

    Nah, Baker shaves every time he feels the need to re-invent himself. Especially after a loss.

    Harrington Benton

    So it has nothing to do with going from the STEELERS to the Bengals?


I ain’t counting baker out quite yet, let’s go dawg pound

    Edward Gaines

    All Baker had to do was sit that Steelers game out, and Keenum would’ve taken this hit. He has been exposed.

Bubby Dadz

Cleveland is turning on you Baker, but I’ve got your back, stay strong Bake, eat up this week

    PrisonMike 777

    i want to believe in baker so bad but in less he starts showing me he can win us games i can’t


    You spend more time on your facial hair than game planning. Kiss your arse goodbye if you lose to the bungles in the jungle…no pressure slick😆


    Bandwagon. Dud. 👎🏿This guy is not “it” not saying he can’t play at this level but not as a Franchise QB. It is year three he has NOT progressed.

    Harrington Benton

    HE IS AWFUL!!!

    Harrington Benton

    @Jarius Johnson

Mostafa Mamoun

maybe it was the beard bro


This man getting angry and I love it. Let’s go Browns!


    @LuthAMF it’s not about what you want it’s about what they want out of themselves.


    Angry or calm he still sucks sadly. I rather Jarvis throw the ball


    @Duapp could care less about what you rather have lmao Just make sure you watching every sunday!


    Not about what I want…?

    Yeah thanks. Didn’t know that.

    Harrington Benton



Baker needs his balls back. That scary QB play is getting old really quick

    Scott D

    Yeah Freddie shattered his confidence

    LIL TY G

    Agree 100%


    @Scott D ya bringing Freddie in set this team back another 5 years. Freddie got to be the worst coach in the history of football

    Edward Gaines

    It’s not his balls. Baker just has a strong arm. That’s all. No agility, no mobility, and now no tenacity. If you look at Lamar and then Baker, Baker is way closer to reaching his ceiling.

Andrew Cox

Baker just needs to watch the safeties, take his easy reads, and play confident

Mazing Games

I still think you can be the franchise QB Baker, just need to study coverages more and get your decision making a little better. I still believe in you man!

    Samuel McMillin

    he’s never had time to do that bc he has been in 4 different systems hopefully he is able to progress this season

    Jarius Johnson

    @Samuel McMillin exactly


    @Samuel McMillin bro HE IS NOT GOOD. Simple, it’s ok he’s not a special talent in the nfl. He just not

    Malcom Summers

    @Dedicated12 Banwagon detected

    Edward Gaines

    @Malcom Summers Baker has had 3 years man, *three years!* Nobody ever has ideal conditions to flourish because That’s not how life works.

    If anything, it’s up to Baker to ovetcome the circumstances of 3-4 diffetent head coaches. Not easy, but getting in the NFL ain’t easy either.


Oh Baker shaved, must be time to film another commercial

PrisonMike 777

i mean i love bakers character and his leadership but you have to think about how good we would be with someone else right now

    Jordan laird

    Facts… bro I was on about earlier how if we had tyrod Taylor still instead of baker this team would be a genuine contender.. Taylor fit in real well here and with obj/Jarvis/njoku to go to he would have made things happen


    Facts. Sadly saying it out loud is like saying all lives matter. Just not seeing the progression. Love the energy, attitude and all but…

    Anthony Croaker

    How many QBs have we had over the years thats not the answer

    Tom Major

    The problem with that is there’s not a large stable of qualified QB’s out there!
    In short, coordinators continue to try and outsmart their opponents to the point they confuse their own players. There are so many details to learn. So many QBs with all the physical tools fail in the league because they don’t have the brain for it. Is this Mayfield’s problem?

    Anthony Croaker

    @Tom Major Browns dont know how to pick QB and our History shows where better of trading for a QB than drafing one.

Linell Tillman

Man these reporters are something else I remember when they used to just report and act simple questions and the player answers now these reporters sound like they’re trying to put the players under maximum pressure especially the female reporters they act like somebody’s girlfriend reminding them of the mistakes they’ve made in the past and telling them that they ain’t nothing 😂😂😂

Tre Slime

You say the same thing every week Baker you know what to fix and keep playing like trash every week

    Sam Prochaska

    So… according to you he’s choosing to play like trash?

Seth Porrini

Can someone talk to these “reporters”? Editorial Ramblings 🤮


it’s funny hearing Mary Kay ask Baker about national heat like she’s on Baker’s side; when in reality she just release an article talking about him being on the hot seat.

Duane 1224

Waste of time, time to move on.

    Harrington Benton

    He knows its over

Dale Burns

“They get paid to talk. We get paid to work.” I love that.

Future_nfl_mvp 021

I still believe in you baker let’s goooo browns “that’s my quarterback” T.O voice🥺 let’s bounce back

brian upholz

Recommend Mindfulness meditation for the Browns . It.may help them to get out of their own way. Short moments of practice repeated throughout the week. Its changed my life anyways. I know some teams are drawn to it. Phil Jackson used it. Kobe Bryant was into it. So were the Seahawks. Mental-emotional health needs to be a priority for these players..

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