Baker Mayfield: We have to believe in the plan – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Greg Cunningham

Glad we got the win, but wishing the Panthers luck with the rest of the season. Can’t wait to see Baker succeed, he deserves it.

    Ber Or

    @lary johnson my real name is Jimmy Haslam. Dee made me sign watson because she wanted to give him a massage.

    lary johnson

    @Ber Or What does this have to do with poor little baker?

    Shalashaska 89

    Deserves LMAO

    lary johnson

    @Edward Gaines How many turnovers did the defense get? No fans in the stands. Poor little baker had one of the best offensive lines in the NFL. Poor little baker had some outstanding running backs. Are you sure that it was poor little baker that did all that?


Took him a little while to get going but Baker played better than any QB we’ve had in 3 years. Tough tough loss to swallow, with panthers last drive, a shaky pass interference, no grounding call, and a 58 yard kick by a rookie. Hope my panthers can still have a good season

    Shalashaska 89

    @Nicholas Kloss 😆😆 Damn

    Shalashaska 89

    @A Little Of Everything LMAO

    William M

    @WesSpears cam

    Casual Gamer Fiend

    Baker didn’t do crap till late in the game like he just forced crap and it’s like where the F is his talent he’s I just don’t get his hype. He is a shell of his college performances. Like is this guy ever going to be a mvp qb ?????

Kyle B

I think this team will be fine. It’s a tough loss, for sure. But it’s a long season.

    Ronnie Shenk

    Exactly. 2nd half looked good. If it wasn’t for that roughing the passer call we would’ve been alright


    Not a long as Rhule is coach.

    C Connell

    The roughing the passer is giving me nightmares already. Maybe they assumed Cleveland QBs like to get touched?

    Nobody touched Brisett. Changed the outcome


    @C Connell They called the same garbage on Taven Bryan. Stop. You guys will be fine long season.

Hunter Daniels

Run defense HAS to get better. I don’t care how good they are on the ground. It has to get better. That’s how we got TORCHED last season. If the offense had played in the first two quarters like they finished we’d all be talking about a different outcome. Plus, they should have gone for the end zone at the end, not settle for a field goal. Either way, these are my guys and I’m loyal no matter what. Just want to see them play a little more dangerous

19th Dynasty

He’s definitely the guy I can’t wait to see how the team shapes up

    Joshua Hicks

    @Poonice lol out QBR, Baker had the better QBR rating…..research

    Jay Dav

    @Poonice when Peyton Manning had the best game of his career with over 460 yards and 6 TD’s, he had the fifth best QBR for that week. Nobody else had 400 yards or more than 4 TD’s. That’s when I learned how meaningless QBR is.


    As a Browns fan I once said those words just get ready for some disappointing games

Luke Adkins

Browns fan here. Baker looked very bad at first because we know every single weakness the guy has. Glad we won, but don’t get it twisted… yall had us scared in the end. I hope the best for him unless he plays us. Yall are gonna have a lot of fun games ahead of you. Gotta get the o line up to speed and that’s a good panthers team 👍


To all my fellow browns fans saying they weren’t scared, buuuuuullshit lol we’ve lost so many games that exact way. Get off your shetlin pony of a high horse

To the Doomer panthers fans: I was literally giving yall props and you turned it into so much more lmao run with the positives and don’t over react. It’s wk1

    Reds Fan 1975

    @Robert Edwards stop blaming refs every week. Was a bs call on the roughing the passer on baker too. You lost. Move on. KeEp PoUnDiNg lmao

    Hilda Jones

    100. U know ur football sir. Ty and ditto!!!

    Ryan Cowan

    Oh yeah I thought we were done to be honest, that was not a very browns way for us to end that game and I was pleasantly surprised.

    keshaun middleton

    damn browns fans are crying scared now? lol

    Luke Adkins

    @keshaun middleton nobody crying scared lol just scared for the browns to do what browns always do in a game like that

Roscoe Lanier

This was an amazing game. I can’t wait to see the rest of the season

    Omar Federick

    You will be disappointed bud it’s only the beginning of a down hill slope🤣


Very positive about how the team starting to gel in the second half of the FIRST game. Carolina won’t face a better run game the rest of the year, nor will our left tackle face such a ferocious pass rusher the rest of the year. On to the Giants.

    Courtney Parker

    Bruh what I don’t think we’ll next week either that run D is horrible I love Carolina but you got to call it for what it is


    @joshuagra2 Chubb & Hunt are miles better than Barkley.. Stop it


    @GDJ Definitely wouldn’t say miles better. You must of forgot who Saquon Barkley is. Which I wouldn’t fault you for m, being he’s really been injured for the past 2 seasons.


    @joshuagra2 I know he’s a beast, but I’m talking the combination of Chubb and Hunt is hard to beat. Barkley is definitely a top RB when healthy though


    @joshuagra2 Isn’t he due for his annual injury?

Ronnie Shenk

If that stupid call of roughing the passer wasn’t called we’d be looking at this game different…

I’m frustrated with this loss too… But the second half looked much better. Considering we have a new oline and QB… We have hope. We fought back in the second half.


    It should have be a unnecessary contact on the cb guarding dpj right after they threw the flag for pass interference I don’t think that should have been the call they should have called it for dpj getting tackled after a dead ball so the call was necessary 💯

    Ber Or

    Panthers should have went for TD instead of field goal in last drive. Cmac should have been used more. Only 2 carries in 1st half. Worst thing to do to Baker is abandon run. He loses protection and puts him in bad spot. Panthers should have won this but got a good future ahead this season.

    Lukas Akantu

    @Ber Or I do agree but the snap was so bad that it butchered the last drive. That one looked like it was on the center

    Bret Bonner

    There was a penalty, the refs called it wrong

Craig Silver

I got Baker’s back 💯. Baker is definitely an upgrade in the QB position, but we need to talk about the big elephant on the room our defense. So called great defense looked like trash today. If you can’t stop the run you’re not gonna win many games. Our D let us down. Our Oline also was all over the place

    Edward Gaines

    In their defense, the combo of Chubb and Hunt is a pretty big hurdle to clear. Hunt especially is a beast in the red zone.

jacob cullen

As I life long Browns fan I love Baker. Hard to watch him play for another team. Panthers are my second team now. You all will have some great times. Not many guys would have bounced back from that terrible start. I hope he gives you guys as much to cheer about as he did us.

    Ber Or

    @William Frazier I don’t play or follow panthers. Been a Browns fan for decades. You’re comments show that you one of those trashy fans that know nothing about football. Losing season number 22 out of 25 is on the way and you don’t see it coming. It’s like a big train staring at you on the tracks and you frozen and can’t get out of way.

    William Frazier

    @Ber Or On the contrary, maybe it just shows that Idk U, care to know U, nor have I asked who U root for…Nice reach tho. I don’t see the correlation between anything U or I have said that determines our football knowledge. But as I said, nice reach.

    Ber Or

    @William Frazier then don’t reply to talk about stupid jerseys. Get lost peace out

    Shalashaska 89

    @Ber Or If that was an accomplishment he wouldn’t have been waiting for a team for so long to trade for him LMAO Baker is trash

Jody James

I’m still a Bakrr fan as a Cleveland guy. Gonna miss him. Wish he could’ve stayed and enjoyed that dub with us today

Cory Lowe

Baker just seems so calm and matured now like I think big things are gonna come this season and im excited to watch it

    Shalashaska 89

    The lottery is a big thing


This was the first time Baker played with the first team WRs & CMC in full speed. He had a shakey first half, but improved as the game went on. Plus he was kinda anxious to play his old team & prove them wrong. My biggest concern is the defence, they’ve got to do a better job tackling & stopping the run.

    Shalashaska 89

    Excuses won’t magically make him less trash


Long time Cleveland fan here…. glad the Browns got the W, but from here out I’m rooting for Baker to succeed in Carolina. Didn’t like how this past off-season went at all and he deserves to be a starter in this league.

Zack S

All I can say is Mayfield is way more exciting to watch than Darnold 😂

    Johnn Lex

    0 n 2 with 150 yards passing ints and 1 touchdown every week nothing exciting about that if that’s exciting for you I feel bad for you

    Zack S

    @Johnn Lex still gives us a better chance than Darnold even though we lost we don’t have anyone else to use. I would say at this point Rhule’s position needs to be re evaluated.


Loved watching this guy play in Cleveland

Mike West

I am glad to see him take the heat for the O-line and Ekwonu in particular….. overall great performance against what I would say is a much better team top to bottom

Rory Mclaughlin

GG’s baker! Regardless of how it ended it Cleveland. Still got lots of love for the guy ❤️

Alan Arndt

Baker just KEEP POUNDING!! You had a fantastic 2nd half and was able to get the team back into the game. I don’t think any of the other QBs on the roster would have done that.

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