Baker Mayfield Postgame Press Conference vs. Patriots | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
walker b

April 2021: “Browns have the best team in football on paper. Likely winners of the AFC Championship”
November 14: Browns look like they don’t know what sport they’re playing and will not even make the postseason

Yet again….the Clowns are an abysmal embarrassment! Friggin’ sh!tshow!

    Jay Taylor

    @Joe Murray Are you asking about the _meaning of Life_ in a YT comment section ? Weird but I’ll answer: To watch the Browns _almost_ become a real NFL team and then resort back to being the _Same old Browns._

    aaron butler

    April 2022 will be the same non sense talk again. Perennial Losers in the Fall. As usual. Baltimore Ravens Grit All Day Everyday!

    aaron butler

    @Dylan Moore I’m a very happy Baltimore Ravens 1st Place fan. Ravens Grit All Day Everyday!. That loss to dolphins mean nothing. On to Division Title. Then on to Conference Title. Then on to Super Bowl. Been there done that. You browns & brownies not so much. Actually not ever. Nor ever.

    Dylan Moore

    @aaron butler good luck with that. You got 2 losses coming up against the Browns. And you again will not reach the superbowl. Better tempur your expectations.


Mayfield looked lost today. Then again the whole team looked like they never got off the plane.

    Eddie Duran

    @Carl Johnson il keep watching. I’ma give him a few more games.


    @Eddie Duran You sounds like Colin Cowherd, he’s not slow, dude runs the same 40 as Mahomes and he was quite mobile in college and didn’t look bad running his rookie year, and he’s got one of the strongest arms in the league.. He’s got all the talent he needs to be great, his biggest enemy is consistency..

    Eddie Duran

    @CancelAnime I just call it how I see it. he’s got you at 5-5. wow, what a baller.

    Allen F.

    I was at the game. In warmups the Browns won and looked good. First drive – looked good. The rest of the game STUNK out the place. Yes, to lost.

Rolando S

Browns keep getting outclassed, outplayed and outcoached. Stop talking in circles – we’re all tired of the excuses and catch phrases. Team seems to get overwhelmed and stalls out in pressure moments. Bottom line, they looked horrible today. Embarassing and humiliating to say the least. But hey, Bill and company look like geniuses thanks to them again. Did they game plan at all this week or were they just hoping for the best?!?!

    Coach Humph

    @Rolando S That sounds fair for the most part…do you remember the press conference introducing OBJ where he vowed he would be the hardest working individual on the team and Baker (who was sitting there with other players) immediately said “Oh, Yeah?” It was meant to convey that Baker was willing to compete with OBJ for the hardest working player on the team but I can easily see how Baker was being immature about how he expressed himself and it might have not been received very well by OBJ. It was as if Baker was trying to steal OBJ’s moment as it was OBJ’s press conference so if he wants to vow he will be the hardest working player on the team then let him have his moment and say that without making it about Baker. I’m not saying that how OBJ interpreted that but it is a possibility….OBJ then works out on his own instead of with the team during the “voluntary” team workouts so I wonder if that ticked off Baker.

    But as you said, even if those moments did tick off the two players, I believe the front office’s weakness was not making them both sort it out within the team by saying you two will either be responsible for this team rising or sinking based on how you two carry yourselves like grown men and professionals. The front office took the easy way out and that is not how you toughen up the mentality of the team because the team just saw the front office say “well when it gets hard to do our job, let’s bail”

    Coach Humph

    @Curtis King stating what you see is not the same as being correct in saying Stefanski is one of the worst coaches in the NFL. I can guarantee that if Baker would have been replaced by Aaron Rodgers in the summer as I had been saying since the summer then the Browns beat the Chiefs and the Chargers. Then this team has an entirely different feel to it.

    I’m not saying that because Rodgers was there to be had…..I don’t know that…all I said was that I would have given up 4 1st round picks and Baker if that’s what it took to get Rodgers. What I am definitely saying is that I knew all along that with all that Cleveland had at every other position on the field…..the fact that the Browns weren’t the clear Super Bowl favorite in the AFC was solely because of Baker. That as much as anything is when my epiphany occurred that Baker isn’t good enough started to take shape. No other QB in the league including Tampa Bay had as much as Baker had and yet Baker has failed to step up when he was needed at the end of two games when the QB often has to be the difference in winning and losing.

    Baker has failed every time. Only to be met with a fan base of delusional supporters who made every possible excuse for him….including blaming the head coach who was responsible for those delusional Baker fans in the first place.

    Curtis King

    @Coach Humph No coach in the NFL has underachieved more than Kevin Stefanski this year. Fact. This roster is better than last year’s. The Browns had Super Bowl aspirations and they’re in last place. You don’t continuously go 5 wide when your QB is average at best & you have below average WRs. The Browns strength is pounding the rock & he’s shied about from it time and time again.

    There’s also been numerous times he should’ve taken 3 & ended up getting 0. Baker def deserves some of the blame, but the coaching staff has been horrific this year on both sides of the ball.

    They’re the most penalized team in the NFL. Missed tackles every single game. Baker & Odell and Landry have all equally sucked. But Stefanski has been terrible, as well. It’s not just one party.

J Mar

Name me a player besides Nick Chubb that literally determines the outcome of a team and a qbs success more while getting no coverage?


    @Dylan Moore we are gonna draft a qb to challenge baker or trade this bum

    Dylan Moore

    @Soza maybe he needs some competition. That’s how he was good before. When he was challenged. Back against the wall.


    @Dylan Moore bra nobody has challenge tht man for his spot. But most likely Yhea thts what they gone do

    Dylan Moore

    @Soza at the college level he faced a lot of adversity and that’s when he shined. I’m saying maybe he needs that fire again.


    @Dylan Moore thts college bra come on dude😂

Gregory Libra

Down 24 -7, ( halftime adjustments).final 45-7.

    James O

    Lol, well said without saying much. I mean for a # 1 pick, he’s borderline bust imo. He doesn’t have the vision of a great quarterback under pressure. He tries to tackle someone after he throws a pick and gets injured… that says it all right there, but he will be mediocre forever with this team.

    Desiree Durant

    @James O preach 💯

    Allen F.

    @Bound2 The defense was ready for this – locked everyone down. And no changes to the system. Kept doing what they did all game.


    @Allen F. when u know yo QB can’t score and goes 3n out! your going to have to go right back on the field it’s takes the energy out u!

    Logic Not Feelings

    @Bill T Marchi LMAO


Baker needs to be sat down the rest of the season. Enough is Enough. He should have been int 3x’s. He was lucky

    A B

    @Soza There are NO QB’s worth anything in this draft class. We need to suck it out one more season or get lucky in free agency.

    Baron Samedi

    That scoring drive in the red zone should of been picked

    Dylan Moore

    @Baron Samedi you forgot the easy drop by David before that play.

    Baron Samedi

    @Dylan Moore to be honest I saw the highlights not the entire drive hell I didn’t watch the games lol I just like piling on 🤣

Tommie Roden

If you had any questions about Baker this game answered all of them.

    D M

    Totally agree and there is one thing for certain no confidence that Baker Mayfield can bring you back in the game your hope is that the Browns play sound all game with the lead

Greg Idol

Here’s a recommendation for the Browns…..suck less. They’ve found more ways to create misery for their fan base over the last 35 years. Baker is a fair-weather QB at best. The great ones rise above adversity. The defensive coordinator must go. All the mistakes comes down to coaching. Stefanski has this team in reverse. Another wasted year. Sadly, no good QBs in the draft. They are a miserable football team.


    Well said.

    Edward Gaines

    Baker has one more year. Let Stefanski and Baker build their identity one more year this coming off-season. This time they’ll have no Odell in the mix. As for back-up QBs, go get Colin Kaepernick. Yes he sucks too, but at least that will motivate Baker.

    Allen F.

    They’re an average team. Jeykll and Hyde. In this case – HIDE.

Michael Britt

The most disappointing team in the NFL, in my opinion. Leave it to the Browns to make one of the most talented teams, arguably, a losing team that can’t win the division nor get into the playoffs. There is just no consistency from this team, it’s absolutely frustrating. I get the injuries but c’mon with the excuses. Besides the team and their awful performance, our coaching staff simply got out coached again.

    God is Great

    I’m used to this…I wasn’t even that confident going into this season. I knew we wasn’t gonna be the machine we were hyped up to be in the offseason

    Logic Not Feelings

    It truly is a cursed franchise. I was born in ’64– the last year they won a championship. Since then it’s been nothing but a 57-year sh–t show. 57 years of sh-t !

Jake Lozano

I honestly knew we were going to lose without chub and thought if we win it’s our D that would win the game. Don’t believe Chub would’ve made a difference. Sad our offensive line SUCKED today after we just paid a lot for Botonio and Teller I knew that was the right move to pay them but today I didn’t feel good about the O line.

    Tony Malone

    They dominated both lines, we looked like a bottom dwelling team…watch Bill take this team to the Super Bowl 😩

    Desiree Durant

    There was too many plays the line was literally

    Desiree Durant

    standing up after the play.

    Chef Alexander

    The OLine isn’t the problem…BAKER cannot see over the line – hes too f’ng short…he’s literally on his tippy toes trying to see down the Field. Hes given more than enough time. But it’s not just on him the D cant allow 4 drives of 85+ yards!!!

Jay R

Any questions about baker is answered at the 4:10 onwards mark. This guy can not read a defense and go through progressions. Been that way since 2018. The Texans game was the game that exposed him in 2018 season

    Edward Gaines

    They never played the Texans in 2018. You mean this year?


    @Edward Gaines Pretty sure he’s Ravens fan who likes trolling us.. He’s one of the more notorious guys I see around here..

    Jay R

    @Edward Gaines yeah they did. He had 3 picks that game and that was the first game that showed he doesn’t know what to do when the other team’s defense plays rolling coverages. He’s a one read qb like Jared Goff

David Richmond Jr


    Sean Fobbs

    And Shawn Porter

AJ Maka

Can’t be mad at Baker. This is what we expect of him. He’s good with a lead. When trailing? Forget it, it’s over!

    Charles Wilkinson

    Speak for yourself I feel totally comfortable being mad at Baker Mayfield a Quarterback who is better at doing stupid commercials then he is at playing the Quarterback position.

    Earl Grey

    He’s the QB you can definitely blame him


    That’s not what we expect, we expect greatness. That’s what we drafted him for, stop pretending like you’d be satisfied with mediocrity..

Steven Vargo

Baker Mayfield has a good attitude and plays hard but this is not working. You should not look this bad against a rookie and after being in the league 4 years. We cannot count on him on 3rd down and late in games. Mac looked like he was the veteran. It is so disappointing.

    Daniel Griffith

    @D M Put you’re man-crush for Kevin away for a min and deal with Reality, Analytics, Statistics, Compared to what WINNING teams are doing..

    D M

    @Daniel Griffith Baker isn’t a good Quarterback plain and simple I don’t blame Kevin running the ball as much as he does its the only chance the Browns have at wining games

    D M

    @Jay R 😂

    Daniel Griffith

    @D M Oh- and how’s that working out so far ?…

    Logic Not Feelings

    @Jay R You hit the nail on the head.

bobby shmurda's Hat

Dezel ward, who is a defensive player, had more total yards on one play last week then baker did this week

    Dylan Moore

    Too bad the defense couldn’t help this week tho

Calí Rondon

“Everybody in our building have look in the mirror, reevaluate and be hold accountable to ourselves and each other .” ~ Baker

    Calí Rondon

    So this means some are in it and some players are not. Time for Andrew to separate the wheat from the chaff. Starting with Joe.


Who would’ve thought cavs would look better than browns in the middle of November 😂

    The Truth

    Tell them go tha playoffs without not having Lebron

    Ryan Jones

    @TheSwagtiger 9-5 near the top of the east…..

    Gregory Libra


    Ryan Jones

    @TheSwagtiger who’s your team ?

Chuck Taylor

Outcoached, outplayed and Pats played with far more heart and effort. Glad Baker will be looking at the tape.


Man, I love Baker I’m 30 years old I’ve been a fan forever never saw a quarterback I thought it was promising as Baker is… You cannot have 75 yards in a game and be the answer.

Brian Kolker

I’ve been a browns fan almost my whole life and it’s just getting really old and weary that they cannot get a team down there unbelievable

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