Baker Mayfield Interview | 2020 Training Camp – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Bryan Copca

Baker looking skinny af

    Jordan Moananu

    Yeah he looks smaller than he was in his rookie year even. The speed is looking good and the arm strength is still there but is he gonna be durable enough, should be interesting.

    Reginald Forman

    @Jordan Moananu if the line puts up for him it wont be a concern. If our lines breaks…then i fear what you said will be truth.

    Jordan Moananu

    Reginald Forman Yeah they need to step up big time this year.

    Bryan Copca

    Jordan Moananu you’re right, his movements are quicker and smoother and his throwing has looked sharp as well but like you said is he going to be durable being that light?

    Bryan Copca

    Jordan Moananu he should have lost weight and built muscle at the same time

Jeremy loosemore

Dog pound

G Cubs


Dan 1031

Oh yes

Shawn Smith

Our guy and he looks in great shape

Dan 1031

The quality of this video is bad


Who knew Snapple was still around? And sponsoring Browns live streams

    will arthur



    The sponsorship at work


    Snapple apple is incredible.


That’s my Quarterback (T.O. voice) Let’s Go #DawgPound

William Fox

A good place to start social justice would be Chicago. Folks are dying every day. What about them?

    Sam B

    William Fox this movement is about holding police accountable for unjust acts of violence, not “just destroying everything”. The protests will keep going on until a series of substantive reforms are made to hold police accountable for unwarranted violence and to create a justice system that treats all Americans equally. One side of the aisle refuses to even acknowledge that this problem exists, and we won’t get anywhere as long as that is true.

    Matt White

    I can’t even fucking post comments fighting back against BLM narratives. That’s how much “systemic racism” these fuckers are fighting. It’s just a part of the ongoing genocide of the European diaspora.

    The Best

    Ok this is the thing many people say, it’s not exactly about a person killing another person it’s about the police officers who’s job is to protect people no matter what the color is

    The Best

    William Fox there was a non violent protest a couple days ago and a white guy pulled up with a ar 15 and shot a lot of people killing 2, he wasn’t touched he got to see another day

    Sam B

    Matt White thanks for contributing absolutely nothing to the conversation. Maybe if you got your information from a source that’s not a 4chan forum youd have something to offer. Maybe you could even… read a book??? I suggest the new Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. Get informed.


“If you do not understand White Supremacy (Racism)- what it is, and how it works-everything else that you understand will only confuse you.”

Neely Fuller Jr

Joy Rider

Well at last he has a coach that likes to throw to the tight ends, and has a lot of talent to go to.

    90s Jaded

    Njoku is not included in that lol

    michael hammond

    Mmmm njoku got hurt when last year? And who was TE #2? Young ‘uns are so quick to forget what happened yesterday

    90s Jaded

    michael hammond Njoku can’t catch. He doesn’t have it.

    michael hammond

    @90s Jaded 88 catches and 8 TD’s before his injury last year….come back when you know some facts

    90s Jaded

    michael hammond highest drop rate in the league the year before last. How’s that for facts?

Stan ezen

He’s gotten into shape. 10-6 for browns

    J M

    Thanks, Stan. Most outsiders comment just to troll

    90s Jaded

    8-8 I’m done giving them credit when they fail every year.


Waiting for the Ravens fans trolls and Steelers fan trolls to bring themselves on this video to troll for reactions

perry montuori

I love me some BAKER GO BROWNS

Cj Huntsinger

He looks like he did at ou

James Pape

At 6:23 look like a dead body in the back ground lmao

    Discernment Bear


    James Pape

    Discernment Bear could be Freddie or John

Kris Cagle

Cowboy fan by birth, but really pulling for you guys for that last couple years now. I really hope you guys win the division.

    Reginald Forman

    Same to you brother. Funny enough the browns and the boys have been quite similar for sometime now. We have both been looking for honest to goodness stability for the longest time.

    Kris Cagle

    @Reginald Forman I have friend born/raised in Euclid, OH lives and dies w/the Browns every year. His passion (and heartache) made the Browns my second team. I think we finally have a chance now with good head coaches in place. Go Browns!

Discernment Bear

Important SJW work to get to? Cut practice short? I’m sure it was groundbreaking what they accomplished. Hopefully they will have a PC with some actors so that they can inform us all how to think. Stop be puppets and get back to being players. The clown show needs to be canceled.

Adam Mays

Mayfield / Bryant is the new Brees / Graham. Come on Baker, trust in your TEs and let ’em rip!

Jon D

Idk how this interview went. Hopped out as soon as i heard the words social justice at 35 seconds. Hope bakers good at football this year.

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