Austin Hooper on Baker Mayfield: Has that swag to him | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Chad Sellers

Can’t wait to see Hooper on the field! #DAWGCHECK

Duane Lumpkin

Good answer by AH about David N.  I think (and hope) they’ll destroy the league with OBJ and Landry.  It would be super to see this offense blow up this season.

K Aguilera

When he said you media are great ” fiction writers ” crickets from the Cleveland media well done Hooper!! 👍the media is not going to outwork this guy !

George Mayfield

Love to have him in Orange and Brown!!


“Are you just trying to survive this season or are you also trying to win?” What kind of question is that are you kidding me? Classic Browns reporting.


    It’s Tony grossi lmao what do you expect the guy’s an idiot

Kwame Anderson

We need younger reporters

Roderick McClendon

Welcome Austin #GOBROWNS

Phillip Cox

Every answer to Grossi should be – “I thought you were gonna retire if the team drafted Baker.”

Matt White

It’s a good thing he has swag. That means a lot.

Matt White

Lol why is Tony still allowed in the media? Midgets don’t quite have enough clout ig.

    Matt White

    Wow you can even type midget without Google immediately deleting your comment. They really don’t have much clout.

Deion Blackwell

Mary K tone deaf af!


When I saw Grossi face I almost threw up a little in my mouth

Peter Carlvi

Can’t they just ask questions about Football, please?

Hugh G. Fallacy

Thats the dumbest question you could ask……………………what!? Geezus Tony 😂

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