Are the Patriots or Broncos better equipped to defend passing plays? | Broncos Country Tonight – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Doody Calls

Fun fact nobody has finished his video yet

Natthaphon Noble

If the broncos wernt so injury plageued they could win the division

    Juns Man

    Idk about that but a close second fa sho

    Riley Anderson

    maybe 2nd the chiefs could be going for a back 2 back

    James Webb

    I had em as a wildcard team

GrayGoldz Gaming

We got the win int the bag 28th for the passing defense for patriots


Benjamin Albright talking sense here
Something for the haters to hear
It’s gonna be a good game to see for sure
💙🧡Go Broncos🧡💙

Travis Schiffer

Throw every number you want out there are they coming to play because broncos haven’t seem they want to play

Believer of God

He’s got money on the line, interesting

Ralph Padilla

I’m not to thrilled about the play selection by the offensive coordinator. He needs to resort to some trickery to keep defenses guessing. Those kind of plays also help your offensive line.
And they make playing the game fun. And games are supposed to be fun, specially if you win.
Plays like hook and laterals, halfback passes, flee flickers, and a lot of boot legs with a run or pass options. I’ve noticed too that if you run a play that the your opponent uses on you it often works against them.

As a coach I once ran a silent count quarterback sneak with only the center and the quarterback moving from the set position. I informed the officials prior to the start of the game that we have that play. We split our receivers wide to open up the middle. The defense and their coaching staff thought there should have been some sort of penalty when they saw only two of our players moving at the snap of the ball. That play went for a 60 yard touchdown. That’s a sneaky quarterback play that worked to perfection.
The more trick plays you have the wins you get.
Get creative.


    It’s kinda hard to do that in the NFL especially when you are working with whole new players who are rookies. If the team was mostly complete (maybe injuries to just Hamler, Bouye, and Lindsay the past couple weeks) then sure. But the team has a lot of pieces that aren’t what theyre supposed to be and the those trick plays aren’t easy to run.

Antonio Cruz

It tells you look at the teams they’ve played patriots are going to trash the broncos

Michael Crabtree

The broncos are better at defending the pass. Our defense is quite great. Were hungry for the football. We never give up!!! Get that football and score broncos!!!

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