Anthony Lynn Postgame Press Conference | Week 8 @ Broncos – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Dinky Dink

Man we need a new coach man dude we have stacked players but bad plays

    Connor Jensen


    Colin Andrews

    We ran the ball on 1st and 25

    Ayy Shaddy

    ong, and thats comin from a steelers fan😤

    AfgOmar 619

    @Colin Andrews 🤣🤣🤣

    Alex Caruso

    @Colin Andrews ikr

Elliott Bedell

Coaching needs to change or we need new staff.

Justin Goforth

Fire this guy…. im sick of losing games when we are up by 30 each game…. over it


    Hate to say it but look higher than the coaches. Ownership is cursed and won’t win jackshit until they sell.


    He’s a snake. No Kapp.

    RockPony Sparkle Princeoffriendship


    Santa Clause

    @Ayy Shaddy Steelers got destroyed by the ravens and won. That game was crazy. All those bad calls. Kinda was like the charger game, except not as dramatic. Tomlin happy to get a win but he knows they got beat up.

    That Foo

    @Ayy Shaddy as a charger fan we needa get rid of lyne

Guapo Chito

I cannot describe my disappointment, I knew even with a major lead we were not in the clear. Respect to Herbert and the Offense


    Brandon Gacyson was an honorary Bronco yesterday. If it weren’t for his DPI…


    @Ayy Shaddy
    He’s a rook but what about the weekly Chargers defensive collapse?

    Ayy Shaddy

    @Donnachaidh u right, y’all shouldve have adderley as strong safety instead free safety because he couldnt be their to make the tackle when the team falls apart, he just fell. And yall didnt have desmond king dat made yall get eaten up, yall also brung in non starters at the end that sold yall the game.


    @Ayy Shaddy

    Ayy Shaddy

    @Donnachaidh lmao, i hate to see yall team lose cuz i have mad respect for ur org. and ur players. i honestly should be up their with my team, the steelers.


Fire Lynn and Bradley. 56 points in 4 fourth quarter games with a lead.


    Hiring another coach ain’t gonna change a damn thing. This team’s chemistry needs to get better especially on defense because every single time they keep blowing leads on plays that are so easy to recognize where the ball is going and to go and swat it down or intercept it. When a team loses like this it’s nothing the players own damn fault because the coaches did their job to win the players didn’t.


    Dude y’all got a good coach and good players, great secondary. It’s gotta be the Sopranos, the spirit of the Soporanos..this wasn’t a problem when y’all was in San Diego


    No hes pretty good as a chargers fan and I think the Broncos are just a better team… they are so young and talented


    @AaronBucksTho Fam First he keeps avoiding to sign a good consistent 3rd wr

The Xanderblitz

Lynn needs to go, do not waste the talent on this team.


    We still have a lot of years for our young superstars! We need someone new! Someone that knows how to coach!

Greg S

I can feel the tension throughout the whole team. Throughout the inside of the team and out were looking for answers

Steven Foley

I’m tired of being disappointed, it’s obvious there’s something wrong with the staff.


    You’re the broncos 2 years ago. Lmao.

Carne asuhdude

I’m sick of this man saying the same BS after every loss. “WE have to get better”

Nah bro, YOU have to be better


    Ricardo Sotosan

    @DAGO 619 CALI FACTOR absolutely. Our offense puts up these many points but the defense don’t step up.


    @Ricardo Sotosan Facts bro we need to fire him now!!!

    AfgOmar 619

    I smell the same BS excuses as Mike McCoy. I have to look at the tape…..stfu!

    Rick Mendoza

    Dam! Right!!

    Jeff Young

    @AfgOmar 619 he’s McCoy 2.0


This is what you reap when you have a former RB as a head coach, no understanding of today’s game. Run, run, pass, punt doesn’t work, Lynn.

    Colin Andrews


    Dario Cazares


    DAGO boy

    This is what you get when your owners too cheap to buy a real coach

    Piante Crew Sr.

    It’s a pattern.. If we as chargers fan see this TREND. That seasoned NFL coaches see it also.. Lynn RUNS the football wayyyyy much..
    Memo to Lynn… It’s a passing league now… Set up a EXCLUSIVELY POWERFUL & multi schemed off that Passes to set up the run…..
    Pass on 1st & 2nd down. Then maybe run on 3rd down… Our off is wayyyyt to predictable… That falls on Off coordinator an head coach…..
    Use to have faith n Lynn… Chargers Nation faith is wavering….
    Bolt ⚡⚡⚡Down
    Were Terrible… We deserve better

Jack Baxton

29 likes and 43 dislikes tell the whole story. You say this every week Lynn. It’s time for you to go.

    Sky Hunter

    136-400 now 😂

Sky Hunter

Lmao at 1:41 “ team decision? Ok?” You know he’s like, wtf is wrong with this guy lmao


    It’s time to clean house. That isn’t the Mahomes, Brady and Brees out there. It’s Drew Lock, in full regression. Teams light this defense up in 2nd half, nothing changes.

    Stan ezen


    Adrian Shroyer

    @Kexin sorry you have to keep facing drew lock cause he’s definitely not in regression

    You’re Wife’s Boyfriend

    Adrian Shroyer he definitely is regressing

Casey lawton

Kinda surprised Lynn just left without saying anything to the locker room. Pretty sure that only makes the players feel worse when their coach just bails on them. Lost respect for Lynn with that.

Addison Bagby

Get rid of him he’s had more than enough time to show he can coach yet he fails week after week year after year.

Ricardo Sotosan

He said “we gotta figure this sh*t out.” Lol


    He says that every frickin week and they still don’t figure it

    Teezy Blue

    Facts! Lol

Scott Taylor

Gus Bradleys defence does not impress me at all. It doesn’t get enough pressure and it doesn’t put players in positions to make plays…unless you have Derwin James in your lineup! Its time to start looking at alternatives. The offense gets a pass for now, cause we seem to scoring points and the QB is getting better every game.

    You’re Wife’s Boyfriend

    Lynn has to call for blitzes. Gus just does what Lynn tells him. He can’t run an aggressive defense if his coach just says “Keep em out of the end zone”

No thanks Jeff

Lynn: “I have to get better”

Also Lynn: Runs up the middle one 1st and 25

    Raymond Flores

    I was so pissed at this play

    DAGO boy

    Terrible play call! Played not to lose instead of to win


    EXACTLY! I would maybe get it if we had Ek but we didn’t. The whole game they were winning by passing the fucking ball, why not continue to do that?

    Hazyn Lopez

    Its the offense of coordinator

Charles Brown

Did you notice Anthony Lynn’s face when the Broncos made it 24 – 10 lead for the Chargers . Even though still up by 14 Lynn new oh no here it comes . This defense is a shadow of what it was . Lynn is gone at the end of year . Spanos will go and get Bieniemy and the D will be tweeked . Lynn knows this loss was not good for his Mo Jo . Herbert should still have one of the very best seasons by a Rookie QB but as for the Chargers season there done for the year .

Marco Antonio Regil

Every time the Chargers are winning the play calling gets conservative and the other team catches up. It’s a pattern. Play calling again was really bad on the second half. Am I wrong?

    Santa Clause

    Herbert might be the goat.

    DAGO boy

    Second half play calling is terrible


    Of course you aren’t wrong. It’s unfortunate the coaching staff can’t see that and they keep repeating the same mistakes time and again. It’s so hard to watch every week knowing even a 21 point lead in the third isn’t even remotely safe.


    Do you watch The Mandalorian ? ….. This is the way

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