Anthony Hitchens: “We fought all the way to the end” | Press Conference 1/4 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Nicholas Dupont

Might have been beneficial to let them score around the 2 minute 15 sec mark.



    Pondzi Scheme

    But we stopped them 6 times at the goal line… you can’t coach expecting a flag on the second 4th down attempt lol… the plan worked, flag changed everything


    @Pondzi Scheme I respect that though but those stops would have been great with alot more time on the clock. It’s like we played right into there hands and when they got done with us they kicked a field goal with no more time left. But it is what it is and we will hope we can come out strong against Denver and maintain it until times up. Go Chiefs!

Ismael Ibrahem

Someone could have asked a question about the third down and 27. Why did Spag not call for a time out to regroup to select a play to get or disturb the Qb?

    Andrew Boyce

    Thats a question for Spags… he answers the media too.

    Ismael Ibrahem

    @Andrew Boyce He was asked a question about not allowing the offense to score. Is it your business? I did not ask you.

PJ Kicks

He reminds me of Chico Bean off 85 South Show 😂

Jeff Stever

They did fight to the end, which I see very positively…onward and upward


As soon as the bengals got to first and goal freeway should have been called


Maybe for the first half you guys did, halftime-Chiefs:we got this… Cincy- here, hold our jockstrapes.

The Piscean Empress 👑

Fought til the end of the first quarter 😂

Lloyd McElroy

To wake up Spags so he does not go man to man right after getting burnt by Chase let him know McDonalds is hiring.

James Kelly

You don’t say….. I thought y’all knew how to tackle since y’all played Pop Warner football. It’s grab one or both ankles to stop the run. Someone has to sacrifice their stomach and body..

Dallas Acuff

The Chiefs coaching was so friggne bad in this one… They deserved to lose. Someone needs to teach Mahomes that he has to score in the second half and not coast like he does.

Arrowhead Ftball

Gawd some of you just sound like arrogant little children. Family takes the losses just like the wins. You learn from both. Most fans always keep that perspective once they become real fans. Real fans and the player’s just ignore the arrogant childish bandwagon types that unfortunately everyteam has, and the Kingdom is no exception. Go Chief’s. Thank you for an outstanding season once again. Keep fighting and playing for each other.

Mike Oxmall

Can’t wait to see what we do in the off-season

Timothy Terry


Poverty Spec

Stopped them 20 times in a row at the end. Can’t beat the refs!

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