Anthony Hitchens: “He’s like a big tight end running the ball” | Press Conference 1/21 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Benjamin Wachold

How is his back doing?? He’s rumored to have a back injury. He looks ok since he’s able to come to the podium and talk to the local press about the game.

Ismael Ibrahem

We need to get even brother. Go Chiefs

Chris LaKous

Anthony 👏👏👏


🤘😤🤘 Let there be a reckoning Mafia Bills boss “is” the Big💪Chief


Respect, Hitch. I see your place in the locker room. Hold it down and take it back!!

Edgar Mejia

“Unleash the dogs”!!!! GO CHIEFSSS.

cody R

hitman Hitchens

Tracy Branson

love the zoom press conferences because we can hear the questions.

    C T

    I agree


Sacknation baby!!!! Let’s Goooooo cheeeifs!!!!

Ed V


Hope: Bob Hartley

Great job

Kristen Ray

Go Chiefs! Play your game!!

Rick Western

Josh is big and hitchens is big. Arrowhead is big. So what. Just hit the guy. Make him feel the level of intensity that a tackle brings. Then msybe he will chill on running. So its all hype. Just bring some intensity while you tackle him and his teammates. Then you can say after the game. Job well done. Another one for Arrowhead. Go get em Sack Nation.

Cheb Ornek

If you know that on those ‘critical downs’ that Allen is going to be running – why are you constantly only catching up with him and not beating him to the edge or filling the running lane and bringing the whole woodpile with each wrap up shoulder to torso tackle? You are not performing the way a middle linebacker for the Chiefs needs to, Hitch. Geezus keriste you’re slower than the 7 year itch and you shouldn’t be trying to guard a wide receiver in the end zone, you need to be up thumping someone.

Just Dogs

this guy lives on my street and i hadnt known that until that party bus came

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