Andy Reid: “Our fans travel well” | Press Conference 11/10 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Ed V

Let’s GO CHIEFS!!! BEat the Raiders this weekend…

Turkey Lipstikk

I would have been there on Sunday but unfortunately Vegas isn’t allowing unvaccinated people into the stadium go Chief’s Kingdom either way

    Anthony Davis

    If you are vaccinated then why does that prevent you from going?

    Jim Janes

    @Anthony Davis because he isn’t vaccinated

    Turkey Lipstikk

    @Jim Janes exactly.

tony disibio

The Offensive Has to Open up very Soon. Have to change.

Nashville Choctaw

Let’s bring in OBJ!!!



Griffin Clark

Raider week leggo

J.J. Alleson

RUN the dam BALL!!!


It’s no secret, defenses have figured us out. It’s time for a counter attack Andy. Please stop being sutbborn and adjust.

    Alex James

    Run the Ball

Crimson Dawn

I didn’t know that Kenny from southpark were asking the questions to Andy.

KingJamie The Mad

Gore and Williams are doing fantastic! Please run the ball more, it will open up the pass. Make them stack the box.

PS… why no trick plays? We can’t do trick plays in the playoffs if we don’t make it to the playoffs

    GmanPlaysYba(and more)

    running the ball will allow mahomes to sit back and think before he throws knowing we can get remaining yards with run. it will remove alot of the pressure

    Jim Janes

    The run game is inconsistent honestly. Some run plays we get 8 yards and others we get 1 or 2 yards.

    Noel Backwards

    Williams got 19 carries on Sunday and didn’t really look that good. Gore either but he didn’t get as many opportunities. The OL was opening huge lanes too. I get the idea and I do think the mix could be better. The Chiefs running on 1st down became very predictable, so I’m sure that didn’t help them in Sunday’s game in particular but they definitely tried to run the ball a little bit. I’m thinking when Clyde returns the running game will improve a bit but I’m not mad at the volume from Sunday.

Neil Sasaki

“I think they are doing great.” … lol. good job avoiding those fines, coach. Let’s go Chiefs.


Andy knows not to bite the hand that feeds him with the refs lol

Anthony Speer

I’m getting the feeling Andy and Patrick aren’t very interested in having OBJ join the team???


    That or they’re playing poker

aaron butler

Hey coach, Lamar the Great gives passing lessons on Tuesday’s. Well Patrick is welcome to come.

    Jim Janes

    Really, so what happened in that blowout loss to the Bengals?


    You mean running?

    Crayson Neeley

    When Lamar wins a ring then you can talk till then bounce

Lloyd McElroy

OMG we need Spags out. He had his chance for the last 4 years he has been saying the same things. As long as he runs the D we will never beat a good team again.

    hakeem marsett

    He jus gotta stop putting Sorenson in and Ben Niemann

Alex James

Run the Ball.



#1.The Big Boss. “CHIEF”🤘😤🤘
Raiders will bow down to the Chief

Eva Hale

Cmon andy i love you but you are stutering around just do your job go chiefs!!!!!!

Tyler Johnson

Raiders week. Coming off of a make it or break it win. Division is tide. It’s time to fire it up chiefs. Turn this city red kansas city. LETS GOOO

Nicholas Dupont

It’s not Raider week. It’s reality week. Go Chiefs!

Daiyon Harden

andy wants Odell, u can tell

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