Andrew Berry Post Draft Press Conference | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
brendan frederic


Steven Nettle

Really love this draft!!!


Why does Mary Kay always get the first question? Am I imagining this?

    Ronny Bingham

    lol, I really don’t understand the hate for Mary Kay!
    I’ve been an Alaskan Browns fan for a long time and I’ve always liked Mary Kay. But yet when I read local Cleveland stuff lots of people seem to hate her and I truly don’t get it? She’s connected and a homer! What more do you want from a local sports writer?

    Sosa Miyagi

    @Phillip Cox lmmaaoooooooooooo nooooo


    Ladies first…


    She has respect from just about every media outlet and newspaper. She’s been doing this for years, I think she warrants a a little more respect. The questions can be annoying but someone somewhere is wondering it. She asks so she can at least get an answer or a response.

    Joseph Kingsley

    Ronny Bingham The hate for MKC comes from her penchant for stirring up drama. There is a reason why many fans refer to her as a gossip columnist. Read Doug Lesmerises or Terry Pluto for a month and compare to MKC’s over that same span; should give you an idea where the hate comes from.

Todd Canaday

Best draft I’ve seen in some time. Loved it!

Amber Hile

This dude is truthful on guys he says he wants to keep on the roster.

Paul Beduhn

I’m not an easy person to please when it comes to the Draft.

I thought that you and the team did an outstanding job.

Congratulations on your first Draft!

    tim miller

    I was advocating up till today to sign ttent Williams slide wills to gaurd and with the best offensive line in football just run it down their throats. Plans busted now but it would have been aggressive


Can we just see his wall in the background instead of this awful green screen?

    Mark Neal


    Shane Koehler

    This is two videos superimposed together. Looka t the white border around him. He looks like a hologram 😂😂😂

Dane Hart

lots of line men , i see no insane picks . i see no one listed with bad knees , drug issues . or any listed crimes . did not yell at my TV screen this draft ,odd to be so calm after the draft

Jay S

“So you’re going to pick up the fifth year option?” Im trying not to be too hard but Com on Mary K.

    Bryan Hallman

    The Rotten Cabbage Smelling Drama Queen trying to stir the over-fermented pot.

Jay S

Ok to all Cleveland sports reporters: A Berry obviously cant and wont talk about player contract extensions with u on live tv so dont ask.


    They are all idiots and almost have close to no clue about the game.


Tony is as bad as Mary. Total idiots. Never played the game. Have no clue what to ask or what actually matters.

    Brian H

    says the knowledgable couch potato responding to browns videos on Youtube lol

    Jacob Yarnell

    Brian H Are you a burner account? Everyone knows how bad those two are😂 I’d say tony is worse however

    Jesse Warshak

    @Brian H is that you Tony?


Marla, Mary Kay, and Grossi are actually mentally challenged!

    Taylor Herbst

    Bobsway13 you read that on a Snapple?

Timothy Antoine

Suttley this is a good draft , Dorsey was loud and proud and could have got more in 2018 with the ammo he had . 2019 wasn’t a lot better , I don’t miss the big noise .

Dustin Murphy

What a draft! AB and co nailed it. They have to be stoked. I know I am!

    Brian H


tim miller

I’m asking for a job where my strategy is considered. What time should I meet you at my new office

ohio buckhead

Andrew..great job! Continue to hit me up..i got you!😄

Neil Smith

So glad Haslam was not in the room with you AB. He would have said a bum on the street told me to take a certain player at 10

DJ Dave Clark

Dear Cleveland, I live in the UK and I’ve been a Browns Fan since 1985. times have been rough and tough but I have one burning question ?
Where the Hell do you get these reporters from ? Deadpan, no emotion, always appear to be after an angle where there isnt one ? What do they do ? where do they Work ?
Berry and Stefanski in my mind have done a great job on filling, and improving the roster thru F.A. and the Draft, we still have a few “holes” and at the moment its only on “paper”
We had 6 picks, we got back a 5th and kinda traded a 7th for a next years No3. Well done from me, yet not one Reporter, i think?, gave praise or any positivity on what just happened ?

John McLane

LOL @ 6:07

Jesse Warshak

Njoku stays, Olivier leaves imo

Jadeveon would be scary…

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