Andrew Berry: Looking forward to next week, having the opportunity to add to the young talent base – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Blake Massie

I wish I could talk to AB for like five minutes about the draft that would be pretty sick

    Dave V

    Me too. I’d tell him his draft picks under Sashi Brown sucked and these ones did not show up on game days last season. Berry blows.

thug life

Andrew berry such a great general manager 💯🐐


    Big ole facts. Him and Stefanski are a great match


“No, not necessarily Tony” 😂😂😂😂

    Cringe 2k19

    Everyone hates tony 🤣

Alex Menendez

Im always amazed , how berry speaks for 30 minutes and say absolutely nothing 🙂

    AB God’s Son

    He is a lawyer after all

    abdul smith

    That’s how you keep 💯 your job….

    The Living Miracle

    @AB God’s Son He went to Harvard and studied economics, not law


No he isn’t going to give you any new answers. Berry is a good GM , hopefully he can be elite. His team must win a title to enter elite status.

    aaron clay

    Wrong, just needs to field a playoff team for the majory of this time with the browns…that’s elite status not to make a playoff team but to consistently make one, winning a super bowl is as much skill as luck, the Bengals is a Perfect example of that


    @aaron clay I do agree but I guess I just want a Super Bowl title already. So I’m just being selfish

    aaron butler

    Try winning AFC North for once. Browns fans don’t realize how much you are laughed at by the other 3 fan base. Ravens coming 2022.


    @aaron butler oh come on aaron.. don’t be so mean to me. I’m just giving our GM so props. He has made some good moves. Yes we must win the North that’s where it starts.

    aaron butler

    @P-Wee-Da-Gr8 I love your spirit & honesty. You real cool. But Love giving it to Browns fans.


The fact that he called the NBA hoops…OMG 😎😎😎


Best GM in the league


Long live Andrew F’n Berry!!!

Justin Upperman

Other GM’s wish they were this good, they wish…

Bill Nye

Enjoy it Cleveland we got a good one #ABisOG

Exceptional Life

This dude is the truth

Paul Cesare

I love the fact that Andrew gives thanks, expresses their critical importance, publicly expresses his appreciation and gratitude to the folks whose work is so significant and rarely get recognized for their importance!!!!
I wholeheartedly agree with “thug life’s” comment below, “Andrew Berry such a great general manager” Amen!!!!

Brian Cramer

Locking up this man long term needs to be top priority moving forward

Mick & Mickey

AB, you’re appreciated. I personally & I’m sure along with many other Browns fans are thankful you’re in Cleveland. @ 5:04 AB, “we were transparent with our intentions & with his Reps”. Baker, “told me one thing & did another”. Who you gonna believe? The man you’re looking at on the screen who is EVP, Football Ops & Gen Mgr or a disgruntled QB (putting that nicely)? AB, I recently made a comment that I’d take a semester class at Cuyahoga Community College, if you’d teach all things NFL (Caps, Draft, etc). @ 26:34 Was joking but you were doing those Cap analysis at an early age 😉


Please keep giving these reporters absolutely NOTHING AB! Great job.
THIS MAN SPEAKS W HIS MOVES! So happy to say that I love my GM! Go Brownies!

MaybeNextYear MB

So calm and confident. The Browns are lucky to have him.


Hope we have this genius for a long long time. Best GM we’ve ever had


I love Andrew Berry. He’s such an intelligent man, and I love the fact that he’s OUR GM!

Diana Lynn

Never despised an organization like i do the Browns. They absolutely stuck.

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