Andrew Berry invites you to #BeTheSolution – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

that’s my team❤️


makes me proud to be a Browns fan knowing our team and management are at the forefront of Being the Solution.


Someone disliked yanno

BigPoppa Z

Hate to break it to ya, but there’s no such thing as systemic racism anymore. Good day

    Paul Beduhn

    Yes there is, but it is agaist white males.

    Jared Davis

    Both of your comments are beyond stupid. The Dept of Labor statistics show that A white male out of high school has the same opportunity to get a job as an African-American ever has a college degree that is absolutely systemic. The fact that my wife has a wife friend who was able to get a house and does not have a college degree that makes 20,000 less than I do shows that there is a issue with redlining still. But please don’t want to talk about how white males have it hard in America

agent 1.618

that’s my GM – much love + respect, Mr. Berry. go Browns! #bethesolution

Aaron Gossage

If they matter then go to the inner city of Chicago and do something.

    Jared Davis

    If all lives matter why don’t you go to the inner city and do something about it. Stop using black on black crime as a way to justify police brutality.

    Paul Beduhn

    @Jared Davis

    No one is justifying that act of violence.

    But don’t think to project that crime on others simply because of the color of their skin. If you do, then you are part of the problem.

    Jared Davis

    @Paul Beduhn Any time you bring up black people killing other black people as an issue related to social justice it is a major problem! Ask yourself why nobody talks about white on white crime or Asian on Asian crime even though the statistics are basically the same. That is very frustrating. And we also have to stop thinking that myself and other members of the black community are not addressing that issue on a daily basis. As a teacher I try my best to end grain that Concept in my students mind all the time but it takes more than just me.

Jeff M

Love hiding those comments, don’t you?😒
So assured of your stance.

Parish Stevens

We love you AB!! Keep being a great a man in this world for your culture

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