Andre James and Divine Deablo Presser – 10.3.22 | Raiders | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

A. James: “A lot of Denver fans out there” …. It’s a shame that’s happening now in Vegas, those Raiders “fans” smh. That wouldn’t be happening if they were in OAK or LA.


    @Mschanandlerbong420 except the stadium was full, and full of Raider fans like is has been every game since day 1, last year we averaged over 62000 a game in a 65 thousand seat stadium.

    Maximus Decimus Meridius

    Raiders led the league in ticket sales 119 million last year. Good let them come so we can have more to spend on players. The franchise also doubled in value to the sum of 5 billion FOH.


    @JESUS LOVES SCOOTERS did you even watch the game that stadium was full of orange it has been 50-50 or 60-40 Raiders fans since last year I know this because I was there for the Monday night game vs Baltimore and it was 60-40 raiders fans, I was surprised to see so many ravens fans there but it will continue to be like that until the raiders win a superbowl in Vegas and the citizens there start buying tickets.


    @Maximus Decimus Meridius yes the raiders led the league it ticket sales that’s a fact but they also had the most resell tickets as well that’s why you see so many visiting teams fans in the stands look at every home game last year and tell me it’s all silver&black.

    Maximus Decimus Meridius

    @Mschanandlerbong420 That’s because you can make way more than what the PSL charges the fan. It’s not the coliseum being blacked out because “fans” won’t come since they left. That’s okay it eventually will be. Raider fans don’t die they multiply. The better they do the more willing people will be to come to a game. But since that’s your narrative fixate on the negative. Don’t be mad at The Raiders be mad at the Chokers and oak towns mayor. But they have bigger problems than fielding a world class stadium. Glad their priorities are in order.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Divine Deablo 1:36 Andre James 19:48

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