Analyzing the 2020 Ticket Announcement | Ravens Final Drive – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Analyzing the 2020 Ticket Announcement | Ravens Final Drive

It’s a tough pill to swallow that this season’s home atmosphere will look very different, but safety is the Ravens’ top priority.

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Juan Escobar


Cooper Woest

This sucks

    Ravens Fan4

    Well it’s better than having zero fans in the stadiums. I’ll take 1/4 or 1/5 full stadium over a stadium with no fans.

BInyomin Seidel

Let’s go ravens!!!

Chase wright


Jeffrey Werner

Bull crap.

Ravens Fan4

Sounds like every home game will have at least somewhat of a home field advantage

David Daniels

All for a disease that has a 99.9% survival rate. Damn shame.


    Still scary man, we gotta think about our elders rn

    Ravens Fan4

    Safety first. We can’t underestimate this disease. The world underestimated it when covid 19 was first being talked about and look what happened

    Romulus I

    there are people who don’t die who go through hell with covid. There are people who will have permanent damage esp to the lungs. we still don’t know the long term health effects.

Gamer God

Let’s go ravens

ryan damon

Hi 🖤🖤🖤💜💜💜

Melvin Powell

Just need to know can I work this season or not. Love the Ravens and Fans in my Section. It’s for the safety of NFL, players, and hometown fans is a must. Go Ravens.

Josh Lang

Are people allowed to eat food at any football stadium?

king shark

Its summer and they sounding the c0v1dnineteen alarm, seems come fall the cold and flu season will be a wrap.

Think season could be a wash or hot mess.

    Gamer God

    Covid is serious I see why The NFL doing it

Sam Dath

Depends if the season ever happens go ravens

Gamer God

Imagine Home field advantage this year

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