Analyzing Nickell Robey-Coleman’s Football Intelligence | Eagles Film Room – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Purplepop Gamer

Fly eagles fly💚🦅💚🦅😁

    RHZ Just1N

    Who wanna talk eagles on my channel with me

Benjamin Boschen

Fly eagles fly we going to the supper bowl this year

    RHZ Just1N

    If we can stay healthy

    Benjamin Boschen

    RHZ Just1N I hope we can we improved our team a lot this offseason

    RHZ Just1N

    Sub to me

    RHZ Just1N

    We can talk eagles on my channel

Treshawn LaGrone

We have an amazing secondary this year! Fly Eagles Fly 🦅

W33zy LxcGaming

Can’t wait to see him in that midnight Green


He’s gonna be good against the saints

    Andre Savage

    Funny lol the saints kills us so hope so

Sylvester Wilson

Ball skills… that’s another upgrade in our secondary. Darby can cover. But he lacks ball skills. DB’s must have ball skills!!!

    Ah Umm

    If he can keep the wr from making a play is just as good as getting a pick. But since he doesnt get picks but defends passes and makes tackles I’ll take that over getting beat on double moves all day every day!

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