Amon-Ra St. Brown’s memory is A1 #shorts – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


ben zieba

Let’s go

Prime prods

I wish I was old enough to be drafted

Johnny Mata

Hi danny

    Daniel Mata


Jolu god

My one question to the NFL when do u think Tom Brady will retire

    Stephenie Mathers

    Oh, HE is the problem is he? I doubt it. No one is forced to play football. I did what someone supposedly thought was necessary. IF you say he needs to die Shay, that’s on you 🔥


    @Stephenie Mathers what💀

    Calm N' Collected

    @Stephenie Mathers Stay off the DMT bro. It’s not for you.

Patricio Vargas

damn a lot of them are busts but jamaar definitely a god


    How are they busts?

Reid Laseter

And he’s better than a lot of those guys

Carter Schell

Why do guys get so mad about this. Like if you wanted to get drafted higher you should’ve impressed the teams more. Now you have a level field to earn your next contract and make it higher than the next guys. You not impressing the teams enough should be your motivation, not the fact that they made objective assessments of players

Sam Mondello

The way he said “..and DEZ Fitzpatrick ” like ..word? Okay bet


Just be greatful that you got picked

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