Allen Robinson: ‘We have to continue to push forward’ | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Barry Turner

I hope Allen Bernard Robinson II continues with the Bears to the end of his career! GO, #12đŸ»!!

    Medusa Man

    I’m sorry, he’s not worth paying him more money. Money matters more to him and his agent.
    The fact that we can’t sustain blocks long enough to get him the ball should show everyone where our priorities should lie.
    I hope ARob’s here, but we didn’t pay Brandon and Alshon when they deserved it so I don’t see us paying ARob when he doesn’t. You can’t tell me he deserves
    $18-22 mil a season.

    Barry Turner

    @Medusa Man Wouldn’t it be great if Allen became a pioneer in saying that it’s not all about money; but like he said when he came to the Bears, he wanted to end his career with the Bears?! Greed is destroying professional sports.

    Oliver Lacey

    @Barry Turnercan you elaborate more on the ” greed is killing professional sports”

    Barry Turner

    @Oliver LaceyThe Apostle Paul spoke about it in 2nd Timothy chapter 3, especially verse 2.

    Medusa Man

    @Barry Turner I think it’d be great if he did that. He may have to with the injuries and struggles he’s been having.
    His struggles should mostly be blamed on the OLine issues, but the blog boys seem to only look at stats so they won’t talk about that. They don’t even question Nagy on the OLine struggles “the why’s”.
    It seems like ARob is itching to get back out there though. The last 2 weeks he wasn’t scheduled to talk, but did the pressers. He needs to drive up his ratings and stay relevant.
    He has a good thing with Mooney and Fields, but my guess is he will think about this as probably his last big payday.


We all know it’s the coach he wanted to blame 😂
Those play calls for the curl routes are awful

Jon Jones

First time he gets to play with a really good QB he pulls up lame. đŸ€”

    C&C Vee

    He is not a number 1 on most teams.

C&C Vee

He looks ridiculous with his mask. Take it off my guy. This dude is a number 2 on any decent team. Florida is doing awesome 2021 so yall know

V8 & Jaylasell

I like A.Rob but him an J.Fields need to connect sooner then later.J.Fields is the future QB for the bears an if they don’t work it out A.Rob will be released it’s just the sad truth…

Caleb Cruz

Missed you A Rob

Caleb Cruz

Seeing Mooney take leaps this year doesn’t change my stance on A Rob still needs to be the Wr 1

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