Alex Van Pelt: “I feel like we can have a very explosive offense” | Browns Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Bass Town Ncs


Trap Town SIC

Quite good video, awesome! Would you like to be YouTube friends? πŸ™‚

Trap Town SIC

Great video! Keep it up Would you like to be YouTube friends? πŸ™‚

Michael Hammerly

Wow I can hear the questions now. Its amazing maybe there is something going on that’s good here. Only took how many years?

    Roy is Confused

    Amen Amen Amen!!!!

Roy is Confused

He sounds like he has the right mindset so far so good. We will see!

Rob Tintelnot

MKC with her typical cookie cutter questions.

Gary Crook

Excited to see Coach Van Pelt getting this offense cranked up.
Hunt and Chubb, hope they lead the way…
Let’s see some smash mouth football, Cleveland….
Go Browns!


Go, Brikings!!!


β€œI want the footwork to be more Mozart than Metallica.” Lol love it


    Yes love it too!

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