Addressing Defensive Issues & Indianapolis Colts Strengths | X’s and O’s with Kevin O’Connell – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Addressing Defensive Issues & Indianapolis Colts Strengths | X’s and O’s with Kevin O’Connell

Minnesota Vikings Head Coach Kevin O’Connell joined Paul Allen to talk about a variety of topics, including previewing the Week 15 matchup against the Indianapolis Colts.

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We are always more successful while pressuring opposing quarterbacks, we cannot sit back and let teams get 400+ yards every week.


    We gotta start clamping the WRs off the snap to make the qb sit with the ball in his hand the D line needs help

SARJ 525

All you gotta do is blitz more stop dropping DH and ZS into coverage and press up more

Narrative Therapist

Starting at 3:28, KOC said exactly what I wanted to here. I love it. Nice.

    Jim MacLean

    Hope they actually DO it!

Mikey Germsheid

He seems a little tired compared to past episodes


    Having another newborn while dealing with the season will do that.

    Not Me

    He’s probably sick


You can’t play scared on defense. People who play defense are a different mind set, winning teams instill fear from the defensive side of the ball. Vikings need to pressure more, I mean what do they have to lose? More yards? No pressure and bend don’t break soft approach doesn’t work either. Live and die by the sword. Play to win not to “hold on”, that was the old Zimmer way, play tight and hope the other team makes a mistake, that’s what losers do. You want it? go get it.

    David Stickler

    I agree and he needs to quit sugar coating the defensive failures. He’s a good coach but the sugar coating crap is also his big weakness
    Make that defense adjust!

Nikki Covington

That is awesome for the Minnesota Vikings to sign Rookie CB Kalon Barnes out of Baylor and I think it was good sign to help the Vikings defense but also it because we have Two Rookie CBS on the IR List of Andrew Booth Jr. and Akayleb Evans and I think Cornerback will be good for Speed Kalon Barnes. I think we need him for sure with the speedy. That awesome he is on the Roster List so he gets to play for sure. He must not play at all as a Rookie for the Panthers and Dolphins.

The Minnesota Vikings are definitely going win all four games and beat the Colts, Giants, Packers and Bears and be 14-3 and win the divisional playoff spot and win all the playoffs and win the Super Bowl 57.

    MTC Prod.

    Don’t get your hopes up! We’ve seen this team fail in big games.

    Back Roads Wingrider

    Have so little hope… I’ve been a fan since Tarkenton, this is another season of…. Fail…. So much hope… so little delivered


I was floored when I saw that blitz in the Jets game where they almost took Mike White’s head off and had him on the ground after. Where the hell has that been all season?? Especially against immobile quarterbacks?? Why not dial up something like 3-5 times a game to set tone??

Mark Williams

First, KOC is overall legit.
Second, KOC is a first time head coach. He’s still learning, so as frustrating as it can be to see him make mistakes…He needs to make them to learn.
Third, KOC and PA said it’s too late in the season to start over on the defense. Which is totally true. For better or worse, working with what they have is realistic. Jumping to firing Donatell is more unpredictable and risky.
Fourth, Donatell could be calling plays that would have worked but the players didn’t execute properly. That has something to do with coaching but also if communication on the field was deficient…. It might not be all on Donatell.
Fifth, and finally, I think we’re seeing growing pains and that is frustrating. Especially when we’ve experienced so much disappointment. But even if we’re one and done in the playoffs, it’s only fair to give the team time to build under this new leadership.

casey James

Bring pressure on the QBs, Tighten up the Corners forcing the Quarterbacks to throw in coverage before the play can even develop for them…Corners man coverage, LBs Zone and Safteys Zone then send a few blitz packages with you’re LBs or Safety’s


They play a version of the prevent, awful, 10yds off receivers, ridiculous. It’s been a rinse & repeat of the same failures. They change nothing. This team is suited for a 3-4, go back to 4-3 and let Z shoot whatever gap he chooses on every play. Z doesn’t have cover skills, the only LB they have that has some is kendricks. They need to put guys in the best position for success, Ed clearly doesn’t get that, 5 weeks of the same results prove it.

Ryan Streich

either fire donatell or remove him from calling the defense…defense is dead last, if they are just only average we win more convincing games

Dave Johnson

As a Lions fan it really feels strange to hear other teams complain about bad calls, having endured so many over the years.

    Jeff Swanson

    As a Vikings fan it really feels strange to hear others teams not complain about their ex towns Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. 😮 💵 🤷‍♂️


Any team giving up 400 in a single game brings big changes. Are we waiting for 500… 600… yards before we see there’s a problem?

Florence Dahl

Gotta get back to fixing the mistakes make sure 💯 they don’t get you 💯 into the playoffs 💯 %❤🏈😎Skol 💪👍🤔


Exactly what I want to hear press tighten things up in the secondary send more pressure at the qb and challenge them more


He looks like a very young Bud Grant


im glad people are hammering them about the shotty defense


It’s kinda funny how they are sitting down now and how he’s starting the video off in a monotone like he’s lecturing Koc lmao

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