Adams says the Packers need to come out with the juice for Lions game – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
I'm Going Supersonic

Love Adams.

Jorge A.

“If you’re scared, go to church.”

Jorge A.

Adams, Nelson, Jennings, Cobb, Jones, and Driver. What great receivers Rodgers and Packers fans have had.

    Alexis A

    Having great qb’s def helps. Adams’ is right. I hope you guys win this year, I’d be bummed if you didn’t. Coming from Philly, our team is in major transition right now, but it’s always a pleasure following this team and their spectacular players and people.

    Jorge A.

    @Alexis A having great receivers helps too.

    Mick Crocodile Dundee

    @Alexis A That was a very nice thing to say. Especially coming from a Philly fan!! You guy’s will get it figured out

    Eddie Waters

    Seriously man we have been spoiled for the last twenty years. At times it does feel like we need more help but there has been a lot more constancy this year with Lazard and mvs. I’m proud of them and their work.

    Jorge A.

    @Eddie Waters I think I’ll be adding Lazard to this list one day. Maybe MVS too.

Mick Crocodile Dundee

Please bring it home this year boy’s. Guty and Mark need to get 12, 17, 23, 29, 31, 55, 91 couple others new deals, please

    Ken Texican

    So many of these guys I believe would play on one leg to make the thing happen in February. I think they’ll be ready.


    Gutey going to need to crunch a lot of numbers.

    Mick Crocodile Dundee

    @boon240 He can do it

Phillip D

You will definitely get that gold jacket! And the ring my Brother

Lil Hefe

🗣 When the Hop Step King 🤴🏽 Speaks I listen

    Robert Agnew jr.

    Definitely the Kang of that there!

bill unmuth



With all this Antonio Brown Madness going on , it makes me super Grateful we have someone like Davante Adams

J. B.

Yo #17 …I need that touchdown dance you did last week. It’s my favorite. Last season you did it & you finally did it last week… I went crazy… smack smack smack smack..hhaaa! Let’s goooo baby!!! Peace


This man teaches the future of the team, just like Rodgers does. I’m so happy we have Davante Adams he’s a great person and spectacular one of a kind talent! We need him to retire in G.B along with Aaron Rodgers! We love winning and we love these player’s! Go Pack Go ❣️

Stan Thompson

Master piece!🏁🏆

Steve G

Looking back…this man has put the work in and has become the best. Go back and see what he looked like year one and two. I don’t no if folks know, AR tossed him out of game one time back then…memory lane.

Lisa Harris

Adams is gonna have two Super Bowl rings in the next two years.

Ikken Hisatsu

The Packers need to bury the Lions in the first quarter and end this. It’s go time!

jon deux

This man makes me proud to be a Packer fan.

    maria martinez

    AMEN ❤#17.

Brittany Weatherly

Tae is incredible! Proud of the man you are!!

Cameron Stache

What Davante actually said was: “Contract year, I want them stats.”

Also, it’s a season game, they are paid to play. It’s also disrespectful to the Lions players AND the fans who pay money for tickets to not play.

    Ty Thompson

    Nobody cares about the lions or there fans. Its about bringing the Lombardi back home no 🧢


    There will be Packer fans and football fans there also.

Most Hated Minnesotan

18:17 This is just another reason why this man plays at the high level that he does. He is laser focused on getting better at the game; nothing else. “We play football, we don’t go and put a bunch of drills on Instagram to look cool.” Priceless. Love this guy!


When you’re mentioned alongside Rice, Calvin, Moss and company, you know you’re the greatest. Year in and year out, Te has been the most consistent and productive receiver in the NFL. He’s not gonna have the yards like Kupp this year but Te hasn’t benefited from multiple broken coverages. Green Bay never gets a team’s worst performance, we always get an opponent’s best effort. Nobody sleeps on us, yet we have the greatest QB and WR combo in the NFL each and every year. Absolutely historic combination between Adams and Rodgers. Never take for granted this level of talent because we could go the next 50 years without seeing another set of players that are this elite!


Say what you want about Rodgers, but he has taught his children well everything that he has learned.
Teaches me how to be a better person, also.

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