Adams, Robertson, Brown, Harmon and Webb Postgame Media Availability | Week 10 vs. Colts | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Earl Shelton

These guys are not having fun. They gave up on the coaches

Mark gray

Love this team, I know Raider Nation hates this for them..

    London Keil

    Team sucks 🤣🤣🤣 love or not carr is horrible so is coach

Adam Sweeney

Inexcusable!!! Someone needs to be held accountable…


Bad defense can’t be used because ours doesn’t exist. We wait for them to simply mess up.


    How is it all on the defense you delusional this loss is on the offense 3/10 on offensive drives with 80% of the cap spent on offense. Punt punt punt, turnover on downs, TD, TD, punt, TD, punt, turnover on downs

Richard Johnson

If we just recover that fumble we would’ve won this game!!

    channel surfer

    the guy is there with the game literally on the line and he stands up like he’s on The Price is Right.

Angel Solis

No matter the loses we take it’s always gonna be raider nation we might not have the best season but we will pull thru n make the comeback step by step 💯🖤


    Franchise has been trash for 40 years. Davis family should give up and let owners who can win take over.

Rusty Nail

Davante, I feel horrible for you. The effort you put in to get that first down. The sacrifice to take the hits to get into the end zone. We see you Davante. Please stay around man, and make your voice heard on the future of this roster and staff.

    Turd Ferguson


    Turd Ferguson

    @LET RUSS COOK just assume baby
    #1 sign of a 🤡 on the internet with the I.Q. Of a Lima bean is to immediately start assuming the person who’s owning you is what you need them to be in order to muster some kind of semi witty retort.

    P.s. I’m not a Raider fan tard boy


    @Turd Ferguson because Carr is a large part of the problem with the Offense. Adams isn’t blind or dumb. I’m sure he sees it clearly at gametime. We all have seen it for 6 years straight.

    Eric T Lucero

    We in a life sentence with the refs and all the bogus penalty calls we get. Seen it year after year! I’ll agree some are warranted but not all! Always trigger happy with the Raiders idk but writings on the wall. I feel one day it will all come to light. So we definitely playing 2 opponents every Sunday! So you top that with poor coaching and game play it’s gonna a disaster. On the bright side we got a new stadium 🏟️

    Danny Cajina

    @LET RUSS COOK 34-23

channel surfer

they actually didn’t play that bad..the defense looks as inexperienced as they are…but with margins this tight you have to play a lot have to know when to fall on a fumble…Moreau has to make that catch…and I’ll say it again..that was PI all the way on that last play…

    Isaiah Ayers

    One. Hundred. Percent.


    And the play on their down right before it too!!

    David Skarica Addicted to Profits

    lol they lost to a high school coach and first time junior assistant as oc this staff is a joke


    Agree on these points. Carr hasn’t gotten the new system down yet with all the missed throws and late ones with the quick decisions on option routes. Skittish in the pocket. RN4L 🏴‍☠️🏁🏴‍☠️🏁🏴‍☠️

Adam Nope

I just hope the core guys stick it out through next year. This is so inexcusable, but we have real potential. All we need is a coaching staff

    S8 Fr8

    A new qb would be good


    @S8 Fr8 bryce young💯

    Mo Gunz

    We need to address the fin secondary. For the last 10 years!

    Isaiah Ayers

    @Mo Gunz the secondary will never be good because of the way that refs call holds/P.I., illegal contact against them, and also because that leads to lack of success which leads to coaching and player turnover. That lack of consistency is almost impossible to succeed with. Everybody was calling for Bradley to be fired or they were happy when he was, but then he’s coaching the Colts now who have an elite defense.

Daunte Wimmer

This man McTrashiels has gotta go..the man has completely ruined the locker room,the season,the fan base and all of our hopes..Mark needs to do what we all know needs to be done right now.




    Mark Davis is a trash owner. The whole Davis family has been a trash ownership for 40 years.


Amik flashes so much… he just has to learn consistency… I love this guy and hope it works out for him!

Raiders Bevans

When we caused the fumble and we didn’t pick it up I saw the look on devante’s face like are you kidding me that’s what he meant people not executing when they have a chance to make a play. This is the most disappointing season man…

    Isaiah Ayers

    I still absolutely can’t believe he didn’t recover that. I’m recovering that fumble in my sleep. I played football – it’s really not that hard to fall on top of that ball.

Jayson Gonzales

As a huge huge raiders fan like all us !! I can’t even watch these videos 😞 .. but i know we got this 💪 i believe in the NATION 💯

john vela

Thank you Devante. Football should be fun. I don’t see that happening with this head coach.

    Eddie Cordova

    thanks john vella always loved shopping at the store

Diva Tamer

I can promise you one thing;

As disgusted as we are with the Coaching Staffs Choices on OLINE, the players are pissed off about it more.

Bars? I mean seriously? The dude wouldn’t be on ay other NFL rosters practice squad.

And why isn’t Parham at RG? He was dominating.

Bars gets dogwalked on every single play.


Jamin Shinkowski

I’m a chiefs fan but I just want to send love y’all’s way raider nation! You guys will bounce back!





    Jack Cruz

    Thanks bro the only reason I root against u guys is because we in same division but u guys own this division the only guys I feel bad for is Derek car and max Crosby they deserve better especially carr

    Sarah Medina

    Thank you 🖤

    Steve Morton

    Besides a lifetime Raider fan my family and I are true to the AFC West! Best of luck to an awesome Chief team! We could all take a lesson in class from this fan!

Blues1 J

Amik played his heart out – hope he is a Raider next year

Sergio Padilla

I love Tea and Derek bro cause they love and help the team try to win and they deserve better. It really feels like Mark or Josh McD wants us to fail it’s embarrassing to see and I’ve been a Raiders fan my whole life.


glad to see other people showing Amik some positivity. Was just thinking how I enjoy that he’s on the raiders even though he’s definitely prone to making some mistakes. He’s definitely started getting comfortable with the nfl pace and he’s beginning to make some plays!

Sarah Medina

This makes me sad especially seeing DC presser broke my heart. Through all the adversity we made the playoffs. Ruggs. Chucky. Rich got us there. Then mark pulled the rug right from under us. Huge mistake and I hope he gets the message. These coaches need to go

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