Adam Gase Press Conference Call (12/7) | New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Terence Williams

How the hell does Gase have the power to fire anyone?

    Tyler Johnson

    Idk but he better fire himself next

    David Whitted

    The owners love him

Joe Di Canenero

So Williams has gone. When is this joker Gase going??

Tommy R

Zero accountability Adam Gase. All he knows is to point the finger at others and give excuses !

MinePlay 512

Right now, this covid situation around the world is getting worse and I left reality. I hate 2020 and wish the year is over.


Gase is not being fired next year guys… This laughable organization is keeping this guy another year.

Marc Martinez

He just said go on to tank.😂😂😂


Raiders fan here. Sorry that game ended that way, shouldn’t have. At least one of the problem coaches is gone. Gase is next.

    Brendan McCallion

    Y’all are a great team. I hope you guys go far 🙌🙌🙌🖤💚

    Chris Hecker

    Most of us want to lose lmaoo

Hunter 237


nned antowBian

Good. I wait for love from you 💝💖

J Miner

You blitz nine people on the last play LMAO!

James Watson

I thought you’d be out the door too, Adam. Why do you think you know what is good for a football team and what is bad? He doesn’t know the game.

Anthony Thomas

It’s like talking to a mental case with this guy. Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable. How does this dude have a job. Worse head coach for n the NFL. Ever. Point blank.


This team is such a joke. Including Adam gase. I don’t understand why this team hired this guy in the first place.

Russell Williams

This guy has an excuse for everything, horrible horrible leader and head coach..

Aidan Glynn

I kinda feel bad he sounds so defeated and sad

Nicholas Antonicello

Why is Gase still in the building?

Eric Wind

This guy is a JOKE!!!!!!!!! HE should had OVERRULED the call, TWICE!!! SHAME on Christopher Johnson for bringing AND sticking with this CLOWN!!!!!!!!

Jake Sauer

Sell the team.

Derrick York

Bring on Bill Cowher!!!!!!

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