Aaron Stinnie on Super Bowl Appearance, Offensive Line Production | Super Bowl LV Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Aaron Stinnie on Super Bowl Appearance, Offensive Line Production | Super Bowl LV Press Conference

Guard Aaron Stinnie spoke to the media on Wednesday in advance of Super Bowl LV between the Chiefs and the Buccaneers.

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Jasper McBride

Plz. Take care of TOMMY

Michelle Ezeugo





Good job Aaron

Martell Burton

Charlottesville Va Own

Mario Fernandez

He looks exhausted


    I’m sure everybody is right now πŸ˜…

    Mario Fernandez

    nunchucks but he has eyes bags lol


    @Mario Fernandez yeah man, big role. You come in as a backup with little to no role than BOOM! You’re thrown into as a starter for the first time and that first time being a starter is the whole playoffs and now Super Bowl playing against top ten pass rushes consistently. If you ain’t having bags under your eyes like he does than you ain’t caring enough of how big this truly is.

    Mario Fernandez

    @nunchucks hes been playing since the washington game though. I hope hes able to rest cause he looks like hes not getting enough sleep. Sleep is needed for recovery and mental preparation


    @Mario Fernandez number one most important thing in life is sleep for sure.

BoOgey B

Big πŸ’ͺ Aaaaa 1 MORE BABY πŸ†πŸ’₯πŸ’―πŸ’₯✌️

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