Aaron Rodgers on Packers’ RB tandem: ‘They are examples of what it means to be a pro’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Kayzo Stepping

Just like last year second game Aaron jones balled out

    Isaac Singleton

    aaron jones is easily their best weapon and even when adams was part of the offense it really started and stopped with jones having success, saw it tonight bears crashing down on play action giving sammy a wide open seam to run through, lazards td. they should just be a run heavy offense


Goal is to go 1-0 every week. Going to take a lot better performance to beat Tampa. Aaron said the same.
This next game is going to tell us a lot about this team.

    Ahmed Benitez Ibn Ragnar Al-Andalusi

    Brady had a hard time with the Saints.
    We will see

    Evan Galinsky

    He got bailed out by the saints playing poorly today late in their game after the fight and having one of the better saints defensive players ejected, so we’ll see. The Packers defense looked much better today. Still things to clean up however Bahk could potentially come back yet too, and I’m expecting the offense to be even better next game too.


    what about Nov 13th and Nov 17th? 1-0 or 2-0?!?


    @Evan Galinsky he also got bailed out by the refs on 2 straight 3rd downs with BS calls to score their TD b4 the saints got desperate….

    Michael Gregory

    @d3sigN8t3dDruNk yeah they straight up handed Brady 2 scores. You know it’s bad when the commentators couldn’t even find the fouls that resulted in critical first downs.


Look Aaron never takes responsibility.. He even said he missed some throws that he should make and he needs to play better. Praising his teammates as well.

    Henry Grudziadz

    @Lakersfan17soon18 exactly not his business

    Kirk Favre

    Yup exactly he never takes responsibility smh diva rodgers


    Everyone has already decided to like or dislike him and no evidence will sway either side.


    @Kirk Favre are you also being sarcastic or didn’t pick up that the comment was? Rodgers praises his teammates and takes blame in every press conference but most of the outside lookers don’t care to know that or acknowledge it.


    @Lakersfan17soon18 I really love that about Aaron it drives everybody else crazy he thinks for himself


1️⃣2️⃣OWNS THE BEARS!!! The bow down bears now 26-49 since 1986 vs the mighty Green Bay Packers💥😜🍻



Gary Hoffman

Decent highlight footage. Defense played big tonight.

    randy alling

    Defense definitely flashed.. Need to be better against the run. Its week 2 so we dont need to be playing top tier. We will get better.


Sammy about to go CRAZZZYYYYYYY just watch, he’s been waiting his whole life for this. Come back to this comment in 10 games. His story starts NOW

    Mick Crocodile Dundee🔪

    Been saying that since camp. Dude gonna have his best year

    Plays in Vain


    Master Bojangles

    This sounds silly but Sammy looks sad in the eyes

    Jerad Jones

    Man I would Hope You’re Right and that He gets lucky with His health

    Nathan Bolan

    Sammy Watkins!!!!! Let’s gooooooo


Certainly a step in the right direction. But… certainly more steps in the right direction to take if we expect to compete against elite level talent play for play. Either way, one check in the right column. GO PACK GO!!

    Cam Phillips

    Honestly I don’t see too many teams better than us even right now everybody looks kinda bad

    Herbert Duke

    @Cam Phillips The main teams I’d fear in the offs are the Bills, Chiefs, Rams, Bucs and Vikings.


The Apex, the Acme, the Ascension. Looks to the sky with Nic Cage hands. Rodgers is the man. It’s that simple. Nice improvement. Nice win. Now let’s improve more. 👍 Nice to see Jenkins back. Let’s try and get Bahktiari back now and get Watson the ball


True leader right here!! So glad he’s a Packer for life


I appreciate Rodgers for what he said about Jenkins. True leader.

Drop the Bassline

Let’s goooooo! Great team win

paul Robertson

Gave up too many yards on the ground. This defense has a ways to go and sooo many yds on ground given up to a team with a poor passing attack is alarming

Jackson Rogers

Love his comments about Jenkins being back. Genuinely excited for his teammate overcoming adversity and getting back on the field.

Tanya ⚜️

My boy still owns dem Bears!

Tammy jo Deleon

He’s the best . …love my ROGERS. ..💚💛🥰

Leng Yang

I’d like to see Dillon be more of an explosive downhill runner.

Kim Maxwell

Wishing we played the bears every week, defense needs to tighten up against the run. Hopefully everything comes together at the right time. Need to be playing our best towards the end of the season

Michael Neumeyer

Sammy is a 4th over all pick. What a steal at 4 million. I hope he stays healthy 🙏. Jonesie won game ball. Couldn’t ask for a better pair of RBS.


Can’t wait to see what they look like in a few more games. I pity other teams defences going up against them. They got speed and power on the offense now so it will take some time to blend.

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