Aaron Rodgers expects a sound Titans defense Thursday night – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Noah Hermsen

Let’s get another win Thursday! Go pack go

Rick Morrow

When Green Bay throws down field, Green Bay scores points. When Green Bay scores points, they win football games. Go Pack Go!

    Bill Brasky

    This has only been true for one game.


    Packer fans are almost as bad as Bama fans…..

    Renato Tello

    If you win every game you win the super bowl, back to you chad.

    Brandon Grefe

    @Bill Brasky the Packers only won one game? Weird what you smoking?

    Brandon Grefe

    @Renato Tello no that’s not true lol 😅

Teri Giese

THE PACK CAN DO IT!!!Keep that positive energy and connection going!!!Y’all proved em wrong and we KNOW this team CAN getit done!LETS GO PACK!!👊🏻


could definitely feel the momentum shift with the Packers win against the Cowboys 💯never count out Rodgers for the season

    Teddy Hammer

    Seasons over like your dreams.


    @Teddy Hammer that’s why Mr Rogers is so great comments like these keep talking Mr Rogers will respond


    @Teddy Hammer Not so sure about that.


    Doesn’t matter he will lose the first game of the playoffs. Oh thats right they won’t be in the playoffs


    @Logan mr Rogers is in the NFL because of çomments like these he been doughted his whole life

Dennis Tebon

Solid, solid, solid. Fan of the past, present & future. Thanks Aaron.


” look forward to the day, where I have no social media, which may be coming sooner than later” – Love you for that, Aaron. A Viking fan. 💜

    Camilo Jimenez

    Youtube is all I use pretty much

Brett Simons

Arod is the MAN!

Patrick Doyle

I’m glad they’re getting rid of a lot of these players that are costing us games and putting other players in the right positions

Anna Datt

Best QB ever.
Proud of you. Thank 😊 🙏 you.
Let’s get 🏆 after 🏆 now.
You can do it….Go Packers 💚💚💚💚

Bill May

Packers have a Slow Train Coming.
Henry is a Beast.
Packers need to stick with this Script.
Run the Football.
We got Thunder and Lightening.
We need to Stop the RUN.
Hopefully Christain can build off his coming out.
He can take any Top off the Defense.
Going to be Close.
Pack have to have Dog Mentaility.
Packers can do it .
Hopefully we can get some guys back.
I look the Bobby Tonyan to have a nice game.
Go Pack Go.
Let’s go get this one.


Let’s that W! Go Pack Go!

Scruff D0g

Grit and grind kind of game.

Leanne Adams

Absolutely Arron! That’s people jobs and we definitely should remember that ! Very well said from our leader !

Amol Bhullar

Idk why media hates him cause he actually gives them honest answers as a result they go write stories and get clicks! Other side most of the players give cliche answers so not much they can get out of those answers🤷‍♂️

Salty Army

Based Rodgers! I love it!

Dylan Johnson

As much as i love Aaron rodgers, i cant root for him this game lol. Titan Up ⚔️⚔️ gonna be fun to watch!

Robert Feldbruegge

Love the open and honest answers the Aaron gives!


My Sons name is Aaron bc of this guy…. Of course i trust him to run the table.


“The most important identity is competitive greatness” #12. I don’t know if he says it in this video. I heard it somewhere else. And thought I want to go to the Green Bay Packers channel. Title Town. Requote It. And take it with me throughout my own day. “You get shown in the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right”

    Brandon Grefe

    You know what the G on the helmet stands for right?

Jr Ceja

We have to bring the energy for the guys !! Over 86 thousand people showed up for Dallas let’s go out and set the energy for our guys GO PACK GO GO PACK GO

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