Aaron Jones: ‘Put our heads down, keep working’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Kieran Sorrell

He just needs to get the ball more and we win games

flying guillotine

Give this man the ball more


Why isn’t our best offense weapon getting schemed up to get the ball more? Lafluer should be on the hot seat

AZ Atheist

This is the best player on the team. Feed him.


Run The F-IN Ball!!!!! ( especially when we’re in the Red Zone/ FG range/ Goal Line. I’m tired of Rodgers getting sack out of FG range and these Goal Line passes when we could have just run it in!!!! )

Christian Femrite

No more RPO’s in those 3rd and 2 situations, please. Just call runs. I would have bet my house that Dillon and Jones get those 2 yards in 2 downs. Why even give Rodgers the option to throw there? Just get the first down and live to fight the next set of downs. Plus, if you get the first, you force the Giants to take another timeout. It’s mind boggling why Rodgers felt the need to throw it on 3rd down. The fourth down I understand, because there’s a significantly lower chance to get it running it on 4th, but it was just so avoidable. I’m sure I’ll see reason on this sooner or later, but for now I fully believe that Rodgers lost them that game by throwing passes instead of letting Jones and DIllon take it 2 freaking yards. I’m sorry if this seems ignorant, but I just had to vent that. Maybe I’ll see reason someday, but today is not that day.


    Even on the fourth we still had a great chance to run it to Dillon to get 2 yards. The chance of stopping Dillon in less than 2 yards is very low.

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