Aaron Jones punches in a sensational score: Listen to the radio call – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Pack go💚💚💚💚👍👍💩

Rick Altieri

Our RB duo is top 2 not 2

Teri Giese


David Erickson

Awesome play by both RBs. Always funny to me on plays like this that #12 gets another TD pass on his stats.

Ninef Sargis

i have rogers and jones on my fantasy – bears fan

    Chan Young

    Cry and happy at the same time. Hope you win your FF.

    Ninef Sargis

    @Chan Young 😂🤣 thats exactly why i got them when i cry like yesterday atleast im happy its a win/win

Mary Barnes

That was great game THE PACK ARE BACK GO PACKERS

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