A message from Green Bay Packers President/CEO Mark Murphy – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

I’ve been a longtime, devoted Packers fan as much as any human on this earth, but if you as the CEO are going to support a terrible criminal and a movement that is an absolute lie to vote people into power, many of us will not
watch football this season. That’s not a threat, it’s just a statement. The Packers have been a longtime organization that has promoted truth and personal value, please don’t counteract that by supporting a terrorist organization that isn’t rooted in fact.


    @Danny D’s World criminals like Jacob Blake


    @HumanArsenal they vote for democrats because democrats offer them the best policies for closing the inequality gap. The unfortunate situation in modern times is the republicans don’t care about voters unless they have money. Uneducated voters don’t see that which is impressive from the republicans perspective, how they manage to pull the wool over rural voters eyes. I don’t love either party, but at least the democrats stand for something more than just the flag and rifles lol


    furrybumper no, the Democrat uses false pandering to make people BELIEVE that they’re for minorities, yet the poverty situation in Democrat-run cities is worse than ever. This notion of ‘republicans only care about rich people’ is a false notion to sway people toward anti-capitalism. But let’s forget political parties for a second, I don’t even think the two-party system has ever been great in the first place. This is an issue of conservatism vs liberal leftism. You speak of ‘uneducated voters’ as a problem, yet blacks in Democrat-run cities are less educated as a demographic than any other in the entire country. And that’s somehow Republicans’ fault because…?

    Morethan Amazed

    @fitz2589 You are so rude.

    Morethan Amazed

    @furrybumper I wish I could say you were eloquent sorry you’re not.

Big B

I am Mark Murphy

Kevin Amos

As a lifelong packer fan I want to thank you for speaking out and go pack go

Andre Durao

That’s MY TEAM President!

Craig Goetsch

Wanting to help is great, donating to inclusive causes is great, having discussions is great, picking a side on an unresolved issue…not smart.

    Danny D's World

    Idc what happened, 7 in the back is excessive force.

    marcus laker

    True, execution of white 5 year olds on their front lawn isn’t either. When both sides take accountability I’ll listen…until then, there will be another police shooting when directions aren’t followed.

    Danny D's World

    @marcus laker Was he executed by a cop? Is this a regular occurrence in which the system regularly covers it up or issues no consequences? No?

    Then it’s not really applicable, is it? That man’s being brought to justice. Shame the same can’t be said for half these cops.

    StanTheCaddy !

    @Danny D’s World so you know all the facts already do you? Seven shots are not that many and especially when a man who’s told to drop the knife grabs the officers shirt. This was also after twice being tasered. I’ve seen comments like yours and I ask what is the acceptable shots for an officer in such a incident to use then?

Richard Schuster

Thanks for speaking up, we love our police but can’t have any bad apples.

michael bailey

I’m proud and very grateful to have been a Packer fan for almost 70 years. I’m grateful to every player who has sacrificed so much to suit up and play for this great team. Black Lives Matter to us all – even old geezer white guys like me. Thank you so much. Go Pack!!


I’m very proud to be a huge fan of this organization. It’s not all about football, and I love that they addressed this.


This is my team.


proud to be a packer

Adrien Isaac Rubalcado

Wow, I’ve been watching a lot of teams YT channels for Fantasy Football purposes and I’ve seen teams around the leagues approaches to these social justice Issues, but this Is by FAR the classiest speech I’ve seen from a team president. I’m a Broncos fan, but I will heavily be favoring the Packers this year In the NFC 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼. Congrats Green Bay. This Is the DEFINITION of Class

Garland H. Green Jr.

Count me in!

tyrone swift

Mark Murphy, increasingly over the years, has become more and more impressive…What he’s done for Packers and local community speaks to his financial acumen. Taking control and responsibility for football decisions and successfully making the Packers contenders again. And now taking a stance on racial injustice even though a large portion of the fan base won’t like it. He’s aware he will likely catch flack for this, yet he does it anyway. As a lifelong Packers Fan and black man, Mark Murphy, as a leader has earned my respect.

    Cayman Kosinski

    Wouldn’t be saying this if his mansion was looted and destroyed by the BLM people he supports.

Paul K

In your news report you forgot the weather and sport, thanks for telling me how to think.

Arthur Freitas

Far from been a Packer, but I commend you! We need more people like Mike Murphy running not just teams, but businesses. Well done, much respect!

Ben Erickson

GO PACK GO! Proud to be a Packers fan, always will be!

Hafeman Bros

Bravo Packers! We are 100% with you!

Brian H

Never in my 50 years of being a Packer fan did I see the Packers aligning themselves with a Communist agitation group (BLM). See ya later. You cooked your golden goose. I went to football for a break from all of the politics of daily life. Now you tore everyone apart. By remaining neutral you represented the one thing that could unite the people of the state from all backgrounds. Now you play sides. A side that cares little about black lives (or any lives for that matter). It is a side to divide. And you ignorantly or willfully took the bait.


    Its bigger than sports man. Open your eyes dude

    Brian H

    @SauceBae Yeah, Communist destabilization and chaos is. Its a shame so many are ignorant pawns of it. Open your eyes and do some research before supporting something meant to tear us apart. BLM has nothing to do with black lives.


My humanity is with the people that follow the law and are hurt by these criminals. If they would live by the law this would have never happened. no one to blame but the criminals. I ask you where’s your humanity?

    Danny D's World

    What laws did Philando Castille, Breonna Taylor, or Tamir Rice break? How about Ryan Whitaker?

    The fact that you think a generic breaking the law” is grounds to be executed is the problem.

Randolph Scudder

The only thing to make me give up on the Packers has happened.

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