A look back at what it took to play football during a pandemic – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
The Latino 69


Daniel Ben-Yohanan

2021 is our year. We gonna be super bowl 56 champs


    So inspirational

    J.M. _12


    QT Zero



This season went by too quickly. Can’t wait till next year. Next year is gonna be good.

James Petersen

It’s so good to see this team growing with talented humble young men I look forward to watching these guys grow.


I cant wait until we add more talent to this defense. Chinn , DB, YGM, Brian Burns, a healthy donte, Christian Miller opts back in, haynes is still on board, shaq, jermaine carter, troy and Stantley take a step forward.

QT Zero

Love how they always end it with a Matt Rhule Motivational speech

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