A Look at Leavenworth National Cemetery on Memorial Day – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Dark_ Fusion55


Skaoaooakkzkk Snowpack


Ty take over

Hi I am first

    Jack Ritter

    Not true

Tristen Lang

This is beautiful

Claude Rice

Thank you for sacrificing EVERYTHING πŸ˜’πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’₯πŸ™πŸ»

Jill Shinn

A beautiful Memorial for our heroes.

Emma B

As a German, thank you to all who served in WWI and WWII and helped defeat my country. I do not want to imagine what the world would look like if Germany had won World War II.

    Grosbeak Ferns

    The United States didn’t defeat Germany. They hired all of their scientists. Neuschwabenland… Look it up. Hitler didn’t die in a bunker.

Jay Kay

Thanks Mitch for honoring the true hero’s and my brothers and sisters in arms that sacrificed in the past, present and future to keep us safe! Hooha!

Home Skillet

Hits you right in the feels <3


loved it


loved it

Tim Dawson

My dad’s there. It’s a holy place.

Craig Yarmula Sr

God rest all thier souls.

Jeff Mills

Thanks so much..
I have 2 stepbrothers buried there.
I used to drive my stepfather up there from KC to place flowere on their graves.
This year, I am stuck in Cambodia …my stepfather long gone and it means a lot that you made this video.
To James Grayson Lockwood and Chistopher Lockwood…I say… I miss you guys…and I miss my parents …my real dad and my son and all my friends who have passed away and because of the chinese wuhan virus I could not make it back this Spring to visit your graves..say a prayer..place some flowers..
William Mills…KCK …
good job Mitch!!!!!!!!!!

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