Adam Gase Press Conference (11/5) | New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
The sports Yg

Fire this clown after the season

Abraao Rocha

June Jones for Coach, Keep Darnold, and fire gase

    Mike Pelligrino

    Darnolds a bust…..

    4orcho pack

    @Mike Pelligrino fax trade darnold and draft taylor lawrace

E1ment Ryo


Jimmy Mcnamara

The problem is not running enough wide receiver screens. Gotts run more screens “you know”.

playboii kxlee

fire him please

Mike Pelligrino

Why not give him an extension?

carlos montecillo

Just a question. Process and results go hand in hand in the NFL—you cannot live without the other. The last 2 years there have been minimal results as far as performance goes from a coaching standpoint. The most consistent theme is lack of adjustments game to game which is glaring. So if the results are minimal, could it be possible the process that is being implemented since 2019 is flawed as well?

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