Mahomes Throws 4th TD to 4th Different Receiver Today – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Logan Alexander


Wilder Wilder

Good job

Sonic 2.25

Mahomes is on fire today or it could be because the Jets are a bad team

    Matthew Walker

    two things can be true

    Steve Lambert

    Both can be true


Jets being the Jets.

Zahnder Younker

Bruh it’s the Jets vs one of the best qbs ever

Ava Van Pelt

Are we just gonna act like they arent playing against the Jets? Its like cheering the school athletes on for dunking on a down syndrome kid in a game. Still a good pass tho.

    Lil Fella

    You must’ve forgot these are NFL players who worked their entire life to play in this league

John beason

Quit acting like the stuff he does isn’t done elsewhere too.


Even though I’m a PIT fan even I know it’s gonna be hell to beat KC in the playoffs.

    big lipped chode

    Y’all won’t even face KC

Elliott Royce


Highlight Central

Ok….It’s Patrick mahomes what do you expect?

Richard Conrad

Trying not to take his eliteness for granted but he does it week in and week out.

RayRay Likes Football

I think that its impressive that the Jets have held Mahomes to only 4 TDs. This is a big step forward for that organization

    Seek Blu


    sc23 C



    The sad part is that your not wrong


Its the jets what did they think was going to happen!!!!


Why is there no coverage on the Bengals vs Tennessee? It’s a blowout and I can’t watch it

Teri Zaragosa


Teri Zaragosa

2e winning

Bryson Adams

he’s playing the jets

Billy Bob

Mahomes is such a stat padder

Derek Bakker

Amazing! Oh wait, it’s against the Jets. Less amazing 😅

bruce lau

Jets being the Jets . Honestly can they fire Adam Gaze already ?

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