Bill Belichick: ‘We all need to do a better job’ | Patriots Press Conference 10/26 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Derek Levesque

Brady was the heart and soul of this team. I never saw it until now

    Christine Askins

    Never all that man cared about was winning that’s all cam bought life and happiness in that team. they will protect that man on and off the field. Brady been throwing shots at them they fucking made him that man was number 199 to bring top best QB. Brady is no heart and soul cause when he was fucking up ppl came for his head too

    D Mur

    He not only is the best QB to grace the gridiron, he had the ability to make everyone around him better because they knew Brady could take them to the SB and Brady would never stop giving it his best. The Pats got a morale gut punch and its showing. The talent is subpar, and the faith is diminished. Belichick made a mistake, Kraft allowed it to happen.

    Derek Levesque

    Belichick and Kraft are so arrogant they thought they could win with no one

    owen mcgarrett

    @Christine Askins ever since he benched malcom butler in the super bowl he’s been screwing this team over, Brady wanted to retire as a patriot, bill didn’t want that to happen and forced him out and giving him no talent.

    Christine Askins

    @owen mcgarrett Brady didn’t want to retire I follow Brady Brady knew he wasn’t gonna be patriots when he sold his house Bill didn’t even until espn said something. Brady wanted to be hands on picking ppl and doing coach stuff but they said no u are a QB that’s why he left. He felt like he made the patriots so his wife said they need u don’t need them plus she wanted to move to he move for her. Brady said he didn’t see his self retired yet

Brayden Weaver

Patriots suck now

    Christian L


    Asian Nathan


    D Mur

    We do, and thats ok. We need to rebuild now.7-9 season.

Chantelle J.

Cam will improve

    Christine Askins

    He will he just gotta stop trying to fill Brady shoes these fan want a Brady QB than go to Tampa bay. Cam need to stop thinking about what he think about and just let go. I know he could be a good QB and we need that fun cam the team need that I never seen the defense and offense smile ever cause they so serious he got this we as fan gotta believe in him too


Hey Pats nation: Is the dynasty dead?

    Jason Dunn

    NO people forget we went 10 years without winning a superbowl. People need to cool down its only week 7. The patriots can salvage the season we still have all of our division games

    D Mur

    I’m seeing many problems with this team, more so than any other season, time, etc. There really is problems at almost every position. Continuity at any level will be very tough to achieve because the talent is not there and the normal man behind the wheel who could do more with less is now driving a Lambo in Tampa.

    Asian Nathan

    It will never die. It will come back to us soon hopefully


    It’s dead.

guadalupe torres

Se arrepiente de haber dejado ir al gran TB

New England IV

As long as BB is the head coach, I believe.

    D Mur

    His coaching is great, his GM abilities…not so much.

guadalupe torres

TB was the motor of this team , was the one to compite

Vincent Martinez

Bill Belichick: Execute order 66!

    D Mur

    underated comment.


You need to do a better job of keeping your best players.

Jason Dunn

If Cam doesn’t improve they will run with Stidham.

Real Rap Radio Show!

Cant believe none of these sorry media guys didn’t ask him about fixing that horrible defense….Wow!!!


Daily reminder we drafted N’keal Harry over metcalf and brown.

    Coolgenuine Phil

    Could’ve have Deebo Samuel any others as well. This year I was hoping for Claypool passed on him too as well as Aiyuk. Let’s see if Bill and the Kraft’s make a trade this week. Will Fuller, Marvin Jones, Julio Jones, Adam Thielen, Amari Cooper, Allan Robinson, David Njoku, and many more are there. Gotta get some playmakers

Young Blood

It’s only a matter of time now Tbh. The Patriots & Bill Belichick are obviously going to get him for a discount when OBJ comes back off of injury so approximately 2022. By then the Patriots will have a younger team & will have already rebuild. I still say we snatch of N’Joku at the deadline since he’s 24 & Draft another big phyisucal tight that can block. I was going to say trade Gilmore for a 1st or 2nd but who knows. Are biggest concerns from 2020-2022 are 2 TE’s, 2 WR’s, D Line, and O Line. The rest is about preparation & execution in games that simple.

Bb Boom

Why did we trade metcalf to the Seahawks.

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