‘Remember why you’re here’: Lock, Simmons and McManus highlight top moments vs. Patriots – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Gor Avagyan

So Nice 💘💘💘💘💘💘


This is a hella great video !!!


    Facts they need to upload one of these every week

Ricky Haskins

Great win! But the test is to win the division! That means beat KC! We got to get over the hump!


    One step at time buddy, pump your brake. Take it one game at a time.

    Ricky Haskins

    @anuar0307 you must not know who is on the schedule next. You get one night to celebrate. Then it’s on to the next week, beat KC. Hence my comment as this upcoming week is the real test. Can the boys even compete, because it’s been one sided as of late.


    We can’t lose 10 times in a row to them, can we?

    Ricky Haskins

    @whitecholocatemilk I hope not, even if we take a L, can we battle with them for 4 quarters. I don’t need to see a win personally it would be great, but just to have hope again in going to the playoffs lol. Sorry but KC owns our number and we need to be competitive with them to even get to the post season. Oh and to see them win without Von and Court just adds fuel to my fire.

BigDawgJax 1

even though the chiefs have been destroying us these past 4 years, chiefs have been looking lazy on drives and the broncos are tired of losing and wanna show the world why they are a promising team

    Gucci 59

    Yea this season the chiefs have shown weaknesses. Both on offense and defense. If we make a good game plan attacking their weaknesses we should win this game

    Jens Petersen

    @Gucci 59 That is what matters. It is really hard to see the current team as the future if we get blown out by the Chiefs again. If we cannot win the division you are not going to have success irrespective of completion percentages, pretty passes, yards….
    Our defense should be able to limit the Chiefs if we can handle Kelse, but it has not been close since Siemian was our QB.

    Khlur 2x

    We have to attack the chiefs I’m tired of losing to that boy 😤😤

    Khlur 2x

    If we can limited Kelce and hill we should be fine but since Le’Veon bell playing this week we gotta watch out for him cause it gonna free up hill a little bit play physical and professional and we have a shot of beat them like the raiders did keep mahomes on the sideline we almost had a shot of beating them with case Keenum but we made dumb discussions towards the end of the 4th quarter

    Gucci 59

    @Khlur 2x in the passing game we can’t let mahomes escape the pocket and extend the play. We played phenomenal run defense vs the pats so we need to keep that up. On offense we need to run the ball more to set up the pass. We need to keep the ball away from the chiefs as long as we can while still being aggressive

Susan McGreer

KC here we come

dat boy prim

Ojemudia is gonna be a GREAT player in this league

Alejandro Rodriguez - NGH Student

K.c gonna be hard but we got this we just need the coach to make smart decions in the game

Matthew MJ

Everybody making excuses for the Patriots 😂🤦‍♂️


    They have fair reason when it comes to them getting better for the season but not really in this game.


The last draft class yielded 3 starters, that’s impressive! Ojemudia, Cushenberry and Juedy

Erik Inc

There were some bad play calls, especially on the two drives with picks. We also had five dropped touchdowns that could have especially helped us win the game. I don’t think this is our year yet, but we’re really showing some great potential


In McManus we trust

Michael Crabtree

Always remember you guys ate talented and gifted. Use your strengths and persevere on. Broncos never give up.

First Among Equals

Drew lock is trash. still not sold on him. Go broncos.

    Marvin Campbell

    U’d better go get ya ticket while it’s cheap! Cause if u wait BOOM it’ll b 2 much!!!!

Kent Borges


Maico Escamilla

Love You My Denver BRONCOS 1960, BRONCOS 1970,1980,1990,2000,2010,2020,2030,2040,2050,345678900,45434466,67890,,forever ❤️😘🏈🏈😭❤️❤️👍👍👍

Gavin Yo

I love the Broncos👍👍👍👍🔥🔥

Anthony Allen

How does simmons get more credit than Ojemudia?!? Simmons is over hyped.

Anthony Allen

Did u see the emotion and response of our team when lindsay spoke?!?!? He not going nowhere. KC. Buckle ya chinstraps. Here come the broncos.

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