Frank Gore Postgame Press Conference (at Miami) | New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
MinePlay 512

I agree with Gore. We don’t want to lose. But that’s on Gase.

Tech Master

The entire front office needs to be fired


need 1 back to get 90 % of touches


It sounds like everyone in the building is drinking the coolaide.

Nicholas Denes

I feel bad for Frank man, he deserves better than this!

Nicholas Denes

1:16 “Why is firing the coach NOT the answer?” My guy is as honest as the day is long and that’s exactly why he wouldn’t give ANY reason or defend Adam “Gaze”

Nicholas Denes


Nicholas Denes


Earl Stanley

Frank’s a real one

Earl Stanley

I’m a life long Jets fan and this team is starting to affect my day to day life. I’m depressed watching them. I don’t even want to turn on the game. I’m embarrassed to wear my team gear that I’ve spent so much of my hard earned money on and was so proud of. People laugh at us… This team is by far the worst team in the nfl and I really hope they change something. Between covid and the way the world is today, we need football! It’s our distraction our break from life. Football makes so many of us fans forget about all the problems going on in the world even if it’s just for 60 minutes and this is actually making it worse… much worse… please make changes, please save OUR team! sincerely a green heart bleeding Jets fan from Pittsburgh


    My doc prescribes me lexapro. Send the bill to johnson and Johnson.

    Deion Smothers

    I feel you bro. Lifelong Bucs fan. I know your struggle. Stay loyal. Yalls day will come. I feel for ya bro

    Jorge Hernandez

    keep your head up man phins were in the same boat as you guys last year and from where you guys are right now it can only get better but just stay strong man

    Brayden Schoolman

    I am a lifelong Bucs fan I had to deal with Josh freeman and calcltic Williams so I have dealt with it keep your head high and don’t let anyone get to your head the jets will be good soon i know that doest sound right but I think Joe Douglas is a good gm this ofseaon should be different for you guys

Isaiah Corn

As a browns fan I feel bad for team I know how this feels

    jeff jeffries

    breh im so sad today tho frick we did not do well today not well at fricking all.


    Lol why feel bad? The jet hired Adam gase after seeing him tear the Dolphins down and turn around and give him a head coaching job right after getting fired from the Dolphins. He didn’t show anything within the three years he was with the dolphins to let the Jets believe he was a good head coach, that’s on them you make they bed u gotta lay in it

Fly solo 28

Gore is the Fitzpatrick of QB . how crazy would it be if they both want to New England next year . that will be all 4 afc East teams they played for.

Fly solo 28

Damn this man said “I’m not taking up for my head coach” you know they want him gone. They show gase sitting by himself drawing up plays . It looked so sad. As a dolphin fan I can tell you one thing Jets fan should be proud of. y’all sure cam tank . I thought Miami was bad last year getting rid of all their talent . y’all take the 🏆 at least we got good draft picks . Seahawks are going to give y’all the 31 pick the draft 😂😂😂 Houston going to give Miami a top 10. What a trade . Win some game so maybe we can turn that to #1 overall from Houston.


    The difference is we didn’t have the talent on the team but we had great coaching the Jets have little Talent with horrible coaching 😂

Jigz G

This man is Duracell. Built to last.


It’s official: Gase’s 2020 Jets are worst than Kotite’s 1996 Jets. Unreal…Ownership along with the Coach have made this franchise the laughingstock of the league


Everyone on the jets think it’s the gase but don’t say it because they might get benched or something


In the 2021 NFL Draft The Jets select Geno Smith again!😂🤣😂🤣

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