Bill Lazor talks Foles, finding rhythm on offense | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Cassius Hogan

Da Bears!! Go Bears!!

Michelle Ezeugo


Nich Stachel

Bear dahn!

Derrick Ward

Da Bears still need a STARTING QB!


I don’t think you find rhythm changing personnel virtually every play. Nagy needs to stop or greatly reduce it.

MisteR SiR

Nagy sucks at play calling since forever

Péter Visi

Need to get the O-line in shape as well. At once, that is why running the ball fails.

Austin Griffin

Put Trubisky in and have someone else call plays

Alex H

Does anyone else think this is actually Jay Cutler with the way he projects himself?

Frank Zepeda

Bill why can’t you stand up to Nagy. And speak up to your master and tell him you have some real input. And call some good plays put Tyler Bray in or MITCH. You should BEAR DOWN and put kemet to work.

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