Doug Pederson Discusses Lane Johnson, Lamar Jackson, & More | Eagles Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Maharaja Ramzan

Please fire Jim Schwartz and Howie Roseman

    Alf DarkDeadly

    Yeh. Both are useless.



    Alf DarkDeadly

    Look at all the first round picks at wideout this year.
    Riggs. The Vikings guy. Claypool.
    And our raegor has done nothing.

bast n KupFred

11:47 has the best πŸ˜πŸ’–β€οΈ πŸ’‹πŸ’

dee hurley

Fly Eagles Fly

luther levu

This will be another good matchup facing back to back authentic aggressive defensive coordinators will build some muscle for young cannons on the O Line ,plus a smart improviser at QB (we traded that pick)I hope someone locks in and takes it personal ,,Eagles soaring in

Alf DarkDeadly

He looks tired and worn down. Think he needs a holiday.

    Nick Bradford Sr.

    I been telling ppl our Superbowl might’ve taken a lot out of our organization

    brendan gilmartin

    @Nick Bradford Sr. what? So hes tired because we won a super bowl 3 years ago?


I looked at Doug’s face and saw the expression of Wil E Coyote standing suspended on a disconnected chunk of cliff.

Ty Turner

Sign Le’veon!!!

    Jim K loves the WAY

    Hes washed up.. We already have a better RB but like typical Eagle fans do.. Lets just throw names out there of ppl who were good a few yrs ago and give them a ton of money to…… Get hurt…miss time… Not contribute..
    Need an example… Desean


    @Jim K loves the WAY That’s what I’m saying🀷

    Nick Bradford Sr.

    @Jim K loves the WAY wrong system doesn’t equal washed up

    Nick Bradford Sr.

    @Jim K loves the WAY beside Adam Gase is a moron πŸ’― look at his eyes πŸ‘€ gotdamn cartoon character lol

    Nick Bradford Sr.

    I agree. There’s no such thing as “too much depth” in this league πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―

Mylo Smith

We could win the NFC Least. Or we could sell off anything of value before the trade deadline. We should be going that route cause they are $60 million over the cap next year. So our pricey veterans would only net us 3rd or 4th round picks. The problem is we can’t draft anyway. 😩

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