Doug Pederson: Travis Fulgham’s Success a “Pleasant Surprise” | Eagles Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Doug Pederson: Travis Fulgham’s Success a “Pleasant Surprise” | Eagles Press Conference

Philadelphia Eagles Head Coach Doug Pederson speaks to the media about the loss to the Pittsburgh Steelers, Travis Fulgham's production, Dak Prescott's injury, and more.

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Kobe Bryant Jr24

Start Bradley over Gerry, Rookie can’t be any worse than him, should know the playbook by now, A Nfl Team should know by law if someone can’t cover they won’t start, As my coach would take out anybody that couldn’t, Simple as that, it’s called being a coach or a Defensive coordinator but they both just wanna trust they’re players, like no teams are scoring on us because Gerry can’t Guard anyone.

    David Smith


    sahh dood

    @David Smith As a backup


    Naw dnt need foles we good we just need to fight those these injuries


    Foles has never played 16 games his whole career love and respect foles but dnt need him back move on @ david smith

    Jonny Lake

    David Smith Should have. But what’s the point? You can’t have them back now. But this team can be corrected and they just refuse

Kobe Bryant Jr24

If u wanna get better in the return game, take out Boston Scott who looks slow, and pitbin Watkins or Hightower, They are simply the fastest players on the team, As Reagor is hurt,

    Charmaine Ford

    Not true about Quez Watkins or Higher or Reagor. The fastest player on the team is Adrian Killins who was not invited to the Combines. The problem is Boston and Adrian are small but their fast. You don’t hand the ball to them. They are used in slots so they can take off. Doug uses his players wrong and this is why the results are like the way they are.

Chuck It Up

Zero questions about JJ Arcega Whiteside. Embarrassing job by the media

    Chuck It Up

    @jerry cruz how he is getting outplayed and out snapped by several WRs. Valid question after Pederson said they would get him more involved a couple weeks ago


    He fucking sucks and they know it who cares about JJaw how many times can he anwser the same question about him

    jerry cruz

    Mobbin2Mars precisely

    Charmaine Ford

    @Chuck It Up Man your statement made my day!!!lol!!!

EaGle 4 LiFe

Same story every week. Smh

    David Smith

    Same story every week with Wentz they kept the worng qb meanwhile foles is 4-1 with bears worst decision in history getting rid of foles

    EaGle 4 LiFe

    @David Smith The eagles are stubborn and it’s biting them back. Smh

    Charmaine Ford

    It is a shame to have great players and don’t know to use them… Doug uses Boston Scott, Adrian Killins wrong just like he did with Sproles. Then you wonder why Sproles got hurt. The are fast but small. Which means the ball doesn’t get handed to them they are used in slots so they can take-off with speed. Nobody will catch them because they are too fast.

    EaGle 4 LiFe

    @Charmaine Ford There’s to many coaches in 1 room with no structure. To many egos. Smh

Tyler Kubicki

Doug looks bad man, you can tell hes stressed

    David Smith

    Should have kept foles

    Axis Power Diesel

    @David Smith Superbowl 52 MVP and Champion, Nick Foles

    Charmaine Ford

    He’s probably on the hot seat with Schwartz. He can remain HC just give the call playing to someone else but he is stubborn and has to much pride.

    Brick Walls

    Charmaine Ford dude the offense played fine. Hard to win games when the defense is giving up 30+ points. Hard to win period when the personnel is so awful.

Lenny D

Dude Dougs eyes… This guy looks burnt out. Maybe its the lighting, maybe I am crazy?

Murda Muzik

The reporters need to ask the tuff questions like why don’t they bring up Holyfield to help run the ball because Corey not helping he look super slow . Jim Schwartz 🤦🏽‍♂️ have to go Asap hom and Doug not on the same page we can do a lot better than what we have out there on the field 🤔😔😒


Well sadly Dak got hurt but I can’t focus on the rivals when we play like trash week in and week out. The road to the playoffs will be clear cut but we gotta finish these games with W


Should have gone for it on 4th and 5 the Steelers were gonna score after anyways. Why stop running in the second half sanders looked great in the 1rst and Schwartz and Gerry have to go it’s time to get real linebackers


    Sanders out played Conner and is a better running back.

    Jonny Lake

    Sanders look great in the first? Were you watching the same game? He had 10 carries for 80 yards. One of those runs with 74 yards. That means he at nine carries for 6 yards.

Axis Power Diesel

Doug, you know this team is trash but it isn’t your fault

Louie Quinones

Soft play by the defense and Jim Schwartz not changing up on schemes when needed Come on you CANNOT let the wide receiver a rookie mind you be taken by a slow linebacker come on this is not rocket science

Chucky Brown

Blahhh blahhhh SSDW oh he seen the tape🤔 bottle line this team 🗑 and those that got their 💰 all hurt. Thanks howie your the best👍🏿

    Kyle Lyon

    We don’t accept fake fans like urself to be involved with the eagles organization take ur dumbass comments too Dallas

Charmaine Ford

Schwartz needs to be fired. Why would you put a LB with no speed on a WR who should have been trippled-team. This is crazy. I am sick of Schwartz and his wide line which is 40 feet away. If the opponent needs 3 15 or 20 they will achieve the yardage. It’s too far away to run up and make a stop. Doug you use Adrian Killins, and Boston Scott wrong. These are guys with speed not to have the ball handed to them because the line is too big and will crush them. This is how Sproles got hurt. These players should be used in slots so they can utilize speed. It’s a shame to have anticipated players and don’t know how to use them. It’s ridiculous, and you should give the play calling to someone else. Nelson Algholor and Rasul Douglas is playing better than ever. This should tell you something Doug. Swallow you pride and the play calling to someone who has a fresh mind. You and Schwartz are Killing Wentz and causing him to regress and lose his confidence. Success is adapting to innovation and strategy and I don’t see neither in the coaching staff. Seth Joyner or B. Dawkins should have an opportunity. I love you Doug but you weren’t a great QB so how will you make Carson Wentz great!!! Love has nothing to do with this…

    Chris Ballard

    And wait till his press conference tomorrow when he’ll try to say he thought they played well,I got to put them in a better position…blah blah blah😣

    Sleve McDichael

    @Chris Ballard huh? This is his press conference.


Does Doug have a drinking problem?

Legends Fly High

How about we drop DeSean Jackson, Alshon Jeffery, and JJ and give all the money they are making to Travis since he has done more in two games then those three have done in the past two years now.


Fulgham for President 2020 and gym shorts looked nasty

Sleve McDichael

Nah. The last touchdown to Claypool was NOT JUST as good a read by Ben.

Bad call by a bad coach at a bad time with a bad defender.

The guy had 3 TDs up to that point. Was shredding our defense. There’s NO EXCUSE for lining up our WORST PASS COVERING LINEBACKER against a guy who has been torching us. At a point in the game where we NEEDED a stop. Just as much blame goes towards the safety for not recognizing that and switching.

Is it possible to bench a coordinator for a game to let him think about what he did wrong?
Cause thats what should happen.


AND DOUG…..get some sleep, Boss!

Jonny Lake

He seems to be taking no accountability. I get the whole move forward not backwards mentality. But unless you learn from your mistakes you’re doomed to repeat them. Which is exactly what’s happening.

jay dee

The Ertz and Hightower explications are garbage and unexepytable.

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