Adjusting amid COVID-19 concerns, injury to Drew Lock | Elway Access – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

I hope no one has covid we already have to many injuries

Thiago Mendonça Esteves

Go Broncos!!! São Paulo – Brasil.

Quinton Wilson

Win Elway

Gmo Gomez

If bellicheat was as good as fools think he is than why haven’t any of his coaches done anything I mean anything besides lose and get fired


    Without Brady he would have been mediocre

    What's your point facts

    @HooDRidEWhiteY I’m a broncos fan but I wish we did have a front office like patriots I respect john elway he is one the greatest quarterbacks in history but he needs to invest in an offensive line period


    @What’s your point facts same

Dale Steadman

When Shannon got on the phone to the president (LOL) was probably one of my all-time favorite sideline Broncos moments!!!

Rippin Lips

If Elway and Sarah Jessica Parker had a love child. It would win the Triple Crown 🐎.


If we didn’t have all these injuries we’d be second place in the AFC West.

    Snek Doodle Tv

    Bruh we’d be 3-1

    Luis Cendejaz

    Seriously I’m so happy we finally going to get the heart and soul back of the offense with Philip

    Kawhi hi

    @Luis Cendejaz he really good but I still want gordan more on the field


    Kawhi hi it’s gonna be both, deal with it. That was the initial plan.

    Kawhi hi

    @anuar0307 lol ok I never said I had a problem with him I want both in the field but I just want gordan more

Kevin Vinh

Better be on Sunday. League screwing us over giving us a short week facing Miami next week 😤

    Chris Cinelli

    Kevin Vinh it on Monday😤🙄

Julian Gamboa

Win elway

mike miller

We should bring lock some real competition

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