Coach Gruden recaps Week 4 vs. Bills, talks Chiefs | Las Vegas Raiders – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE



Hire Wade Phillips!! ✌🇺🇸

aleph null

We are giving up 30 points per game.

Thirty. Points. Per. Game.

The Chiefs’ offense didn’t even average more points than that last year….
Guenther needs to go. He isn’t getting it done.

    Tyger King of kings

    Other teams have done the same and they still won so why can’t we do that?

    aleph null

    Tyger King of kings – Only one team in the NFL averaged 30 points per game last year. Expecting an offense to score over thirty points every week is unrealistic.

duet steam

coach shot on carr

John Lincoln Hawk

Raider Nation for Life…

John Lincoln Hawk

Man If I could get a good paying job in Vegas I’ll relocate to be close to my Raiders:)

    Leo Lrz

    Good luck man!

Rafael Ceceña


Daniel Corral

It’s obvious it’s a matter time before they pull the hook on carr, as a leader you do not make comments like that no matter what carr is out of there believe me

    Tyger King of kings

    I truly hope so, no shade towards Carr but is time for a change.

RaiderFan Sergio

We need to correct the corrections from last week and so on lol


Get rid of gunther nothing personal, a de and s and get healthy no turnovers.

Redwood Orginal

Harris cant play his zone or his man. Why he is still in this team?

Tyger King of kings

Gruden likes Carr but he knows that he isn’t capable of winning a Superbowl.💯

    Jack Tate

    Yes, but at he same time, this defense will finish near the bottom again.

Dell Jr

Why do we always defer instead of getting our offense out there right away?
Get out there early, run scripted, no huddle, fast paced offense and score TD
Carr needs to drop back further, 5 step with play action, maybe try some boot-legs and roll outs.
I noticed yesterday we kept trying to run Jacobs to the right side, why? Trent Brown quit, and Gabe Jackson has been trash for 4 weeks straight. We dont have a right side, but that’s where they send Jacobs huh…
You know between Jackson and Brown equals about $20 million, Id release or trade both guys and invest in some defense.
We need a 4-3 DT and a 4-3 OLB and play bump-and-run, man coverage in secondary.
Guenther’s “zone” scheme has never worked in 3 years, at what point do we realize it’s NOT working out- oh, 3 more drafts and 3 more rebuilds I guess.


Get a new oc and dc. Let the oc call the plays. You stink at play calling gruden. You make my QB LOOK BAD.

Vanessa Neal

Hi Guys 😍💋 💝💖

Tyger King of kings

It’s not all on Guenther, players also need to step their all around game up and be more officiant on reacting and tackling.

Jack Tate

It’s obvious that this offense needs to score over 30 pts a game and that’s not happening.

Xavier Hartfield

Start Marcus Mariota



Desana dybdal


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