Say Their Stories: Philando Castile as Told by Michael Thomas – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Say Their Stories: Philando Castile as Told by Michael Thomas

“These are real sons. These are real daughters. These are real husbands. Wives. Fathers. Mothers. That are gone.”

Houston Texanss Michael Thomas honors Philando Castile and the importance of his story. #SayTheirStories #InspireChange

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Justo_ Gaming

Much respect to ur vida bro keep it up

Mason Lauron

That was not the Michael Thomas I was expecting

    One Gamer Productions

    edgar olguin yes a player who risks his health physically and mentally to entertain people. What a crybaby.

    edgar olguin

    @One Gamer Productions sure hes risking his life running only slants lol

    edgar olguin

    @One Gamer Productions im a marine you stupid

    One Gamer Productions

    edgar olguin First of all, how am I stupid, there is no way I know you are a Marine? Second, if you are, thank you for your service, I’m sorry that I said that. Third, yes, NFL players are risking their health as they can get concussions, ACL tears, and many other injuries. I know it’s a joke cause Michael Thomas does run a lot of slants lol. And fourth, I don’t see a problem with NFL players speaking out for what they think is wrong.


    It’s another one on the bengals too 😂

Gabriel Lyles

Reminder: Murders don’t equal ”politics”

    Gabriel Lyles

    @Bobby’s flying hat ‘ no I’m a Chicago sports fan who likes Allen Iverson as a player.

    Diego Da Martian

    Are u stupid this isnt about politics this is about change and injustice being righted for that to happen there has to be enforcement of new laws that prevent this in the force. No agenda just change, i swear plenty racists just hide behind the “get politics out of sports” flag/idealism but they applaud when the NFL does things like fight cancer, VA health benefits, etc.

    Tim Hedrick

    Diego Da Martian don’t forget when they praise boxers for wearing a maga hat even though they are the ones saying keep politics out of sports


    Mugen Champloo “your kind”

    Gabriel Lyles

    @Justin black people have heard much worse, don’t be soft now take the insult and keep moving. That’s what ”your kind” tells us to do.🤷‍♂️

Keith Cousins

**the crowd erupts in loud boos as the Michelle McCool entrance music hits, twirls into these comments then poses at the ramp wearing my husband’s Washington Color Rush jersey with his Captain badge on it and the NFL Minnesota Vikings Championship belt on my right shoulder**

    Oofer Doofer

    If cousins gets traded we’ll finally be free from Kevin Cousins

    Tank for Trevor baby!

    Keith Cousins

    Oofer Doofer Speak up, can’t hear your typed comment over all these positive COVID tests and what’s been the same “story” on CNN for going on 26 hours now.

saucy jorjor

Not the Michael Thomas I was expecting 😭😭

R&N Prod.

Damm y’all tricked me imao I thought it was the saints Micheal Thomas but good talk Micheal respect

Chris Anderson

Ryan🇺🇲🎣⚾ ain’t gonna like this one


Everyone here probably got click baited by the nfl


    @Bradley Gustafson They have a right to talk abut whatever they want to. No one is forcing you to listen to them and no one is forcing you to live in the 1950s


    Clickbaited hard😭

    Bradley Gustafson

    @WOW IM BAD Well in the 1950’s black families had 3 out of four families with a father and mother in the home. Now 1 in four families have a father in the home. maybe none of this would have happened if the black mother wasn’t worshipped as a queen and more black families had a father in the home.

    King Rashaud

    @Luke Jensen your ingonarant stfu


    @Bradley Gustafson just shut up. The nfl can do whatever they want to. They don’t care if you are going to stop watching football


I’m happy this isn’t the other Michael Thomas. He already gets enough hate because he runs slants

    Omar A

    Speedz X he is not the best in the league bud. If julio or dhop decided to run slants every play they would do the same if not better. Are you a saints fan lmao

    Omar A

    The top 5 based off of last year is:
    2. Nuk
    4. Devante adams
    5. Reek

    Speedz X

    @Omar A What?😂 MT is the best receiver. His drops are basically non existent, he’s only had slightly over 3.2%. Julio, deAndre, and devante are very good don’t get me wrong but MT simply out played them last year. More yards, more receptions, got open off the best corners, even broke a NFL record. I’ll ask you this question again, if you really think slants are that easy to do, why don’t you DeAndre, Julio, or especially Tyreek do them? If their that easy why not keeping pounding them? No I’m not a saints fan, I’m actually a Vikings fan that’s disappointed af with my team rn lol. That doesn’t hold me to say that MT is the best WR because he is, even sources agree with in my favor

    Speedz X

    @Omar A He led the league with 185 targets, 149 receptions and 1,725 yards. Thomas also made those receptions count — he led all receivers in yards after catch (588) and first downs (91)

    He also got OFF player of the year honors.

    Last year Micheal Thomas was the best. I literally just backed everything there with his stats, no one else was even close to matching it last year


    He didn’t break an nfl reception record all on slants


When you realize this isn’t the Saints Michael Thomas……

    Keith Cousins

    **the Michelle McCool entrance music is blasting as I walk down the ramp to boos and hissing from the crowd**

    Jay ツ

    Rex10133 SAME

    Jay Rush


    Mitchell Douglas

    Omg I thought it was saints Michael Thomas too

    Paul Grosso

    Lmao click bait

Moses Devadass

Ik this is a serious topic but you can’t tell me he look like Katt Williams

    Tommy Holsworth

    Lemme check my palm pilot

Ronald Taylor

I fell for that one I thought it was Michael Thomas for the saints

Jaden World

‘’She said come here baby “


The homeboy Phil🙏🏿

ayden curiel

Me: sees title
Also me: ok but WHICH Michael Thomas?

Brian Maduku

Not gonna lie, I was expecting the Michael Thomas WR for the saints… Kinda disappointed, but good message

Sports CentralYT

When I saw this I was like “WTF, Michael Thomas doesn’t play safety!!!!”

    Eli Young

    there a second player name Michael Thomas play in Texans

    Sports CentralYT

    Eli Young yes I know, I just read the description

Vai Kimbo

David Dorn RIP


    @Austin Keeton no he didn’t “literally flop out of the patrol car”, nor were the cops trying to calm him down. Chauvin pulled him out the other side of the car, put him on the ground and put his knee on his neck. go watch the body cam videos that were released. he was resisting being put in the car yes, but not violently at all. he had just had a gun pointed at his head for absolutely no reason by the first responding officer (officer walks up to the window, gets him to open the door and then puts the gun in his face, that’s the first interaction Floyd had with the police that evening) and also had claustrophobia and was freaking out about being stuck in there, he may have been having a panic attack and idk if you’ve ever had one but you can’t just “calm down.” he never tried to run nor did he act violent in any way. moreover, what was he even being arrested for? using a counterfeit $20 bill? that they can’t even prove he knew was counterfeit? he shouldn’t have even been cuffed, let alone put in the back of a cop car, people are detained without being cuffed all the time. even if he was on drugs, that’s not a death sentence. he was straight up murdered.

    _ JDP2104 _

    @Samuel Berhanu it wasnt David Dorn’s fault that Chauvin murdered Floyd

    lord donk

    @fullmetalfunk George floyd was erratic and out of control when the police just got there. He was talking about being claustrophobic in his own car, which is much smaller than a police car. He also said he couldnt breathe when the cops hadnt even touched him when he was in his own car. The police offered to put windows down for him in the cop car and were not trying to hurt him. He was resisting arrest, his own friends were yelling at him to stop resisting. He was high off his mind on fentanyl. Enough that it was one of the main causes he died. The cops did not target him because he was black. He only made the situation worse throughout the encounter. Kneeling on his neck should never have happened. Cops are supposed to kneel on his back between the shoulder blades to keep someone down. But I dont fault the cops for not believing that he couldnt breathe when they knelt on them when he was already saying he couldnt breathe when no one was touching him. This is not “the cops killed him because he was black”. Neither was the jacob blake or brianna (?) Taylor shooting. The cop should not have knelt on his neck. He shouldnt be a cop anymore. He is no longer a cop anymore.


    @lord donk claustrophobia isn’t just about a small space it’s about feeling trapped, the difference of sitting in his own car at his leisure and sitting in the back of a police cruiser handcuffed is a very wide valley. his friends who were there also explicitly told police he had some mental issues and fears revolving around cops due to being shot by them before yet they never took this into consideration in their interactions with him. he was never violently resisting, never tried to run, and posed no threat to the officers at any time, think of how different everything could have been had the cops just went “ok we won’t put you in the car, sit down right here on the sidewalk and talk to us, we have some questions about the money you used to pay with.” if cops would deescalate situations instead of trying to retain complete and total authority over people, especially involving minor infractions, so many lives could be saved. instead these cops showed, put a gun to his head when he didn’t even do anything, downplayed his fear and obvious distress, and then Chauvin pulled him out of the car and killed him.

    Floyd may not have made the situation easier, but it’s the cop’s jobs to handle these situations. if they can’t do that without kneeling on a handcuffed man’s neck, who was no threat at anytime to anyone around them, until he dies, then they shouldn’t be cops. this isn’t a single episode either, we consistently see cops overreacting to situations, killing or severely brutalizing people (mostly black people), and then getting away with it and even staying on as police or getting rehired in other departments. idc if George Floyd was so high he thought he was on the goddamn moon, he didn’t do anything that deserved the treatment he got that evening and Chauvin deserves to be in prison for the rest of his life, and the other 3 should serve time as well for aiding and abetting.

Jay Rush

I am very sad for the family and friends, my condolences go out to all of them

    Tushanth Thamilselvan

    Your a good guy


He worked at my school😞RIP philando

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