Baker Mayfield on running Kevin Stefanski’s offense: “I’m very comfortable doing it.” – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Killer Shott3


    Nate The Great


Charles Pinkett

Bakers trash you beat Cincinnati really. But got smashed out against a good team by the ravens. What a joke

    Charles Pinkett

    @Jim Harris hush im watching baker throw another int.

    Charles Pinkett

    @Jim Harris say sorry like your browns and ill leave you alone.

    Jason Alexander

    Charles Pinkett oh the team that keep getting to playoffs and losing ?

Rob Tintelnot

Gunna smash the Redskins on Sunday.

    Mostafa Mamoun

    @Charles Pinkett yeah i do lol, i was just saying u have bad grammar. Point is, the browns have an insane roster, and its whether or not it will work, didnt last year it will this year, now stop being a damn hater

    Charles Pinkett

    @Mostafa Mamoun a hater of what

    Jim Harris

    @Scott Cooley You obviously don’t know pinkett. If he had to know what he’s talking about to make a comment, we would never be blessed with his in depth knowledge.

    Mostafa Mamoun

    @Charles Pinkett clearly a browns hater dud dont even try that

    Jim Harris

    @Mostafa Mamoun Since it’s entertaining to read his grammar It would probably be funny to hear him talk.

Julia Maria

35 to 40 run attempts and 15 to 20 pass attempts and half of those need to be play action that’s a recipe for a winning season

    Bryan Copca

    RLThunderstruck nah, the first 4 games I’d understand because Baker is on his 4th coaching system in 3 years. By week 5 baker will know the system better and should be throwing a minimum of 25 throws


    Bryan Copca I could see him throwing more towards the end of the year tbh. I just want us to put him in the best position to succeed

    Andrew Cox

    Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth


    @Andrew Cox imma punch u in the mouth

    Stomping Peak

    Yeah just like 50/50 would benefit us alot. Even against Cincinnati we struggled because the offense went away from the run too much. We have the best backfield in the nfl so we should use it. It’s just hard for teams to do that because the pass game is very flashy and appealing. Where ground and pound isn’t as flashy.

Tom Hawley

we will B a BETTER team Sunday now that KJ, Greedy & Mack back…..R middle hopefully will b covered on D….GO BROWNS


Where’s grossi’s dumb question of the day?

    Matt White

    Grossi isn’t allowed near Baker after audio leaked of him calling Baker a “fucking midget.”

Chris Barker

Baker seems very comfortable with Kevin’s offence.

    Greg Cunningham

    He also seems comfortable with his offense.


I wanna see 5 wins in a row b4 I get excited

    Matt White

    I’d go with 3.

Stan ezen

Browns win 26–14

Serge Bawa


You Tuber

No incompletions! Be perfect!

Lo 1X

MKC takes 5 mins to ask one question lol shes need to hang it up the whole team hate her question and her dumb articles about them smh

    Lo 1X


Black Retro

Mary K asking a solid question. What are the odds? Lol

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