Myles Garrett strip sack vs Bengals | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Will Caldwell



les go


Joe Burrow’s “Welcome to the NFL” moment.


    He had a few. He’s playing at the Bengals 5 days and he’s been sacked more and lost more than his entire last year. Looks the real deal, but danger of him getting lucked.


    thetallpaul55555 joe burrow 0-2 looks like the real deal… yaaa ok


    @J As a Browns fan myself, yeah he looks like the real deal. You have to be really dense to put an ENTIRE team loss on just the QB.


    modetallah You must have missed the timeout fumble, and those sacks, this dude couldn’t out run a DT. His longest pass play against the Chargers was 19 yards and against the Browns terrible secondary was 23… this dude is check down Charlie, most certainly not the “real deal” If the bengals plan to win anything the better have a hell of a defense bc that QB is Joe Boring!

Reginald Forman

Tell em Jim!

Chad Cullen

Burrow’s grandchildren will feel that hit

Dan 1031

I love Gustin’s hit, he said “that is what you get for fumbling Burrow”

Sean Perkins

Porter had a great game


Them browns!!!

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