Fangio on Pittsburgh’s defense: ‘They’re playing very sound, fundamental football’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Pillar Gifted

We need to get a win this week. We will have played two tough opponents, we need to come out 1-1. But I’m a Broncos fan regardless. Love my team!!

    Joel Ramos

    Even though, we are clearly the underdogs on this one, Sutton participated on today’s practice (limited) and Hamler participated too (full practice). Gordon played a good game. Would love for him to protect the ball better, but he played good. Lock played a heck of a game, only thing I should say for him to work is managment. 3 minutes remaining, you don’t go for the endzone when you only need a first down to run more clock. Jeudy is a BEAST, those drops will be corrected. On defense, they have to keep their compossure. Do not give free downs to the opposite team by way of penalties (Johnson’s penalty)

    Mike Holt

    Joel Ramos yeah Atleast jeudy gets separation, drops can be fixed. I’m so glad the dude is getting open he will come up huge fir us in the future. When we got ppl like jeudy, Sutton and hamler. They gonna have to 1 on 1 sutton, last year they doubled him and still got over 1k yards. Now imagine adding jeudy and hamler to the fold. This offense will become as explosive as the chiefs soon

    Mike Holt

    Joel Ramos not to mention also fant is a Beast

    Pillar Gifted

    I feel this will be a tougher test just because it not at home, even without fans. I like what I seen from the offense. Hopefully every week the coaches trust Drew an the boys to open up the playbook. Also, If it’s not broken don’t give it up. Noah was ballin out in the first half then Coach Shur decided to take him out the game. I’ll will say that it looks like he wanted to get Jeudy involved. Just keep the Tights ends Rollin. I think we will be fine. As long as the offense continues to progress and the defence keeps playing well without pom pom Von. We can win some games. Just end the season above 500.


Gotta be realistic here, Steelers 31-17. Although this game has a chance to be like the Texans game last year, at least I hope so

    Jeff Willaby

    Joel Ramos if that’s the case then I’m excited to see Hamler…hopefully he can see a lot of opportunities. That kid is electric with the ball. However if Sutton doesn’t play that will definitely hurt.

    Joel Ramos

    @Jeff Willaby Sutton is a possibility to be there. Depends on how he practices the rest of the week. Might be a gameday decision but if we get to see Sutton on the field, we will have a great offense.

    Jeff Willaby

    Joel Ramos Hope so bro.


    OfficialGlade Yeah, were going 0-2 for sure. Tbh, after Von’s injury our season was as good as over.


    Jeff Willaby We’ll probably get to see them all together by the time we’ve lost enough games that it doesn’t even matter.

Michael Crabtree

Gotta step our game up broncos… let’s get that win. The blitzing is gonna come so you guys gotta get ready for it. Protect drew lock. Use the loss as motivation for game 2. Gotta get better and score score score. Improve and learn from mistakes. Go broncos!!!

Marcos Gallardo

0-2 here we come….maybe next year

Irish Rocker

Our edge might be hurting with no Von but the Titans ran Henry up into the middle over and over. D line center guys are gonna tear it up. Dre’mont with Harris and Casey boom!!!!


    Irish Rocker His biggest runs were Von’s replacement losing contain on the edges. Not sure what game you watched

Jesus Arriaga

This guy is clueless when it comes to coaching. Should demote himself to coordinator. Be man enough to know when ur in over ur head Vic!!

Tim H

Can’t afford to lose this and go 0-2…heads will drop if we do.

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